Oklahoma Water Resource Board

OWRB’s Financial Assistance Division assists Oklahoma Districts and Authorities through grant and loan funding opportunities. Eligible projects are diverse from the construction or rehab of traditional water and wastewater treatment plants to non-point source implementation or stormwater and green infrastructure and AMRs. State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan programs provide below market interest rates with SRF and Financial Assistance Plan (FAP) loans offering a variety of term options and repayment structures. Contact OWRB today to discuss your system’s need.


Contact: Joe Freeman, Division Chief
3800 N. Classen Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73118
(405)530.3300  Fax: (405)530.8898
Email: joe.freeman@owrb.ok.gov
Website: www.owrb.ok.gov/financing/index.php