Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thumbprint Signature Program

The Thumbprint signature program is a simple, effective and inexpensive method for preventing check fraud. The touch pad is intended to deter counterfeit
and stolen check fraud by obtaining a Thumbprint Signature (fingerprint) from non-customers (customers who do not have a depository relationship with
the institution) when cashing on-us and not-on-us checks. The result of this print is a positive ID that can be turned over to law enforcement to be used in situations
where fraud is suspected. In many cases, law enforcement will not pursue a check fraud case unless they have this ID. Usage of the program is a natural deterrent.
Participants will not retain the Thumbprint Signature in their files and the signature will be shared with law enforcement officials only in cases of suspected fraud.


Phone: (866) 424-5252 ext. 124
Fax: (405) 424-4518
Contact: Thi Pham