Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of Nov. 6

Greetings from Guy

By Guy Sims
OBA Chairman

Editor’s Note: Guy is currently on the road. In the meantime, Guy shared this photo from Las Vegas, where he is attending a conference.

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Regulatory Feedback Initiative continues

We need you! Did your bank undergo an exam in 2017?

We are rapidly approaching the end of another year. If your bank had an exam, or is scheduled to have one before Dec. 31, 2017, we’re asking that someone on your staff complete the Coalition of Bankers Association’s POST EXAM SURVEY.

The survey is 100 percent anonymous, so there is no way for us or for anyone else to know which bank has completed which survey. The information we collect will help us collectively hold federal regulatory agencies accountable.

This is particularly important given all the new regulations being enforced. We need the good, the bad and even the ugly. Even if you were happy with your exam, we’re asking you to fill out the survey – more so, if there was something you disagreed with as part of your exam.

More than 3,000 banks nationwide have participated in the Regulatory Feedback Initiative. There is no way to tie your answers back to your institution.

Please take 20 minutes to complete the survey, or assign a member of your staff to complete the survey, for each exam (compliance and safety and soundness) your bank has undergone before the end of this year.

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Prepare your bank with holiday closing signs and banking code

Plan today! These eye-catching signs will let customers know when your bank will be closed for Federal Reserve holidays. Also, the annually revised Oklahoma Banking Code desktop reference is a must for every bank, attorney and CPA.

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OBA education corner …

November’s here, which means we’re in the final sprint toward the holiday season. Before you start focusing on that holiday time off, think about taking in a seminar or webinar from the OBA. Take note of the following:

  • 7 Habits of Highly Successful Supervisors, Nov. 13, webinar — If you need others to take direction from you to succeed, you will find this program of tremendous value!
  • Flood Insurance: Compliance Issues and Enforcement, Nov. 14, webinar — We’ll concentrate on some of the more vexing issues in flood compliance by explaining best practices in keeping your portfolio covered.
  • HMDA 2018 Challenges With Taking Applications, Nov. 14, webinar — Attend this session and learn more about application processing for commercial loans under the new rules and gain valuable tips that will help your bank prepare for 2018.
  • The UCC for Lenders, Nov. 15, webinar — This program is a comprehensive Uniform Commercial Code secured lending program for persons new to banking and is also recommended as a refresher.
  • Controlling the Risks of Power of Attorney Documents, Nov. 16, webinar — This two-hour presentation will provide financial institution personnel with best practices to use when dealing with these complex legal documents.
  • Commercial and Industrial Lending, Nov. 17, webinar — This seminar will begin with a brief overview of Commercial and Industrial (C&I) loan products including working capital lines of credit, ABL facilities and equipment financing (loans/leases) and their typical structure.
  • Problem Loan Workouts, Nov. 30, Oklahoma CityThe seminar will begin with a review of the basics of how a commercial loan request “should be” processed in today’s market and will then focus on what happens when a “good” loan turns into a “bad” loan.

Also, the dates and locations for the 2018 Senior Management Conference and the 2018 OBA Convention have been set. The 2018 SMC will take place on April 8-10 at the Four Seasons Resort in Las Vegas. The convention will be held on May 21-23 at the Hard Rock in Tulsa. More details will be coming soon! 

Make note of the 2018 OBA Schools: 2018 Intermediate School, Feb. 5-9 and June 4-8; 2018 Commercial Lending School, March 4-9; 2018 Compliance School, Aug. 27-31; 2018 Consumer Lending School, Oct. 1-5; and 2018 Operations School, Nov. 12-16.