Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of May 1

In This Issue…

Greetings from Guy
Regulatory Feedback Initiative needs you!
Update: Maybe Hensarling is open to moving S. 2155 separately?
2018 OBA Convention coming in May
OBA Emerging Leaders joining in happy hour
Oklahoma Real Estate Appraiser Board requesting comments from bankers
Kempton Group offering new user-friendly web portal
OBA education corner …

Greetings from Guy

We can all take a deep breath regarding S. 2155 as Congress is on recess until May 7. As of the end of last week, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) made several positive comments regarding the passage of S. 2155 with no amendments.

I can’t help but think pressure from both the ABA and ICBA banking groups, including the OBA and CBAO, is having an effect on the chairman. While the timetable is unclear as to when the bill will be advanced in the House, it does now appear there is a path forward on S. 2155 based on Hensarling’s comments.

The OBA Annual Convention and Trade Show is scheduled for May 21-23 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Catoosa. We have a great lineup of speakers and breakout sessions as well a regulatory panel scheduled for Wednesday morning.

In addition, we will be honoring a graduating class from the OBA Emerging Leaders Academy, electing new directors, and installing a new chairperson. I hope you will take the time to attend a portion or all of the convention. I am confident it will be time well spent.


Guy Sims
OBA Chairman

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Regulatory Feedback Initiative needs you!

Change is in the air at the banking agencies and we hope to maximize the opportunity to make needed changes to the regulatory environment. But … we need your help.

Please join bankers across America by participating in the Regulatory Feedback Initiative. The “Post-Exam Survey” will provide banking advocates with the data needed to identify problems and promote needed changes to the examination and regulatory environment.

We have joined with our colleagues and using the Alliance of State Bankers Associations to ask every bank across the country to complete the survey after each Safety & Soundness Exam and after each Compliance Exam. Why? Because we’re trying to track and quantify what bank examiners are actually doing when they’re in the bank.

It doesn’t matter when your last exam occurred; you can still fill out our survey! If you haven’t already done so, please take a minute right now and make a plan to do it by May 31, 2018.

The survey is 100 percent anonymous; the name of your bank is never included so any answers you provide cannot be connected to your institution. The only way to access the survey is through the following link: http://allbankers.org/link79204516.html. (Note: Please forward this link ONLY to those who will be assisting in completing the survey.)

If you are one of the 3,500-plus banks that have already taken a recent survey, thank you! (It truly is anonymous; we don’t know who you are!) If you haven’t taken a survey since your last exam – regardless of when it occurred – please take a moment today to make the assignment to one of your employees to get it done by May 31, 2018.

We are pleased to be working with our fellow state bankers’ associations across America to fight to make the exam process fair and accountable! Together, we are stronger! Together, we will make a difference!

Thanks for your support and participation.

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Update: Maybe Hensarling is open to moving S. 2155 separately?

Last week, OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage remarked in an OK Banker Direct about a meeting he attended in which House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) commented on how he views S. 2155.

Beverage said:

“At a gathering Tuesday evening, Chairman Hensarling made a number of comments in general about how he plans to proceed, announcing that S. 2155 represents the ‘floor’ of what’s needed, not the ceiling for financial reform,” Beverage said. “The one comment I heard that I found very encouraging was that he said he ‘will be at the signing ceremony for S. 2155,’ and will get one of the pens the president uses to sign the bill. I’ve not heard that before.

Thursday, the chairman repeated some of what he told the group of Texas bankers and Beverage. In remarks to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Hensarling said he was “open” to advancing S. 2155, without adding additional provisions to that bill. Hensarling told the group he will package other proposals in a separate bill.

“I’m far more wedded to substance than form,” the chairman said. “I’d be happy to attend multiple signing ceremonies in the White House. The more pens the merrier. I would prefer it be in S. 2155, but, if not, we’re certainly open to other pathways.”

Beverage was happy to hear the chairman’s words.

“I’m really encouraged by (the chairman’s) comments,” Beverage said. “He has been fairly adamant up until now, but it appears as if the pressure to score some points is finally making an impact. Anything else he wants to do to add more provisions to another bill that’s either moving or is in the ‘must-pass’ category is a great idea, and (the state bankers associations) will join with the ICBA and the ABA to help him get it done. But first, let’s take care of the one that’s right in front of us. Let’s take the points now and come back for more in the second half.”

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2018 OBA Convention coming in May

The 2018 OBA Annual Convention & Trade Show is coming soon, set for May 21-23 at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Catoosa.

This year’s convention theme is “Answer the C.A.L.L. (community/advocacy/leadership/legacy).
Lt. Col. Robert Darling, a retired member of the U.S. Marine Corps., who served in the first Gulf War and supported the president in the President’s Emergency Operations Center on 9/11, will give the keynote speech on May 22.

Darling is just one of many speakers presenting at this year’s convention, which will include author Will Bowen, representatives from The Baker Group, Hunton & Williams and Crowe & Dunlevy, among others.

For more information and to register, click here for the Convention brochure. Click here for the Convention Golf Tournament brochure. Questions? Contact the education department at the OBA at (405) 424-5252.

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OBA Emerging Leaders joining in happy hour

Calling all OBA Emerging Leaders! Join your banking peers and some other friends in finance for a happy hour in partnership with the Young Accounting Professionals from the Oklahoma Society of CPAs from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, May 10, at The Jones Assembly located at 901 W. Sheridan Ave. in Oklahoma City.

You can register for this get-together by clicking here or RSVP to Alisa Loper at aloper@oscpa.com. For more information, contact the OBA’s Megan McGuire at megan@oba.com or 405-424-5252.

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Oklahoma Real Estate Appraiser Board requesting comments from bankers

The Oklahoma Real Estate Appraiser Board is requesting written comments regarding the Oklahoma Appraisal Management Company Regulation Act, including Board Rules, post-Dodd-Frank Act Amendments to Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 to aid in the analysis by the Real Estate Appraiser Board as to the possible legislative repeal of the Oklahoma Appraisal Management Company Regulation Act, 59 O.S. 858-801 to 858-829, to “opt out” of the registration and supervision of appraisal management companies.

What you need to know: Dodd-Frank states an appraisal management company registration program is voluntary. A state does not have to implement a program. If a state chooses to implement a program, there are both state and federal regulatory requirements that we must comply with. The Board has concerns about some of those requirements and the impact it has on the Board and Oklahoma appraisers.

As a lender, if there is not an appraisal management company registration program in place in Oklahoma, it would not necessarily preclude you from utilizing appraisal management company services. The requirements under Dodd-Frank as to the regulation/registration of appraisal management companies refer to transactions qualifying as a federal-related transactions. If an appraisal is not a part of an FRT, you are free to order or assign the appraisal in any manner you choose. If the appraisal is for an FRT, an appraisal management company with less than 15 members on its panel in Oklahoma does not require registration. None of the appraisal ports are required to register and there are other methods to accomplish the ordering of an appraisal for an FRT, including ordering it in-house.

Comments should be addressed to Christine McEntire, director, Oklahoma Real Estate Appraiser Board, 3625 N.W. 56th Street, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 or to christine.mcentire@oid.ok.gov.
Comments should be received by May 15.

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Kempton Group offering new user-friendly web portal

The Kempton Group is excited to let you know about an upcoming enhancement to the secure benefit portal on their website. These new features make it even easier for employees to view their claims, check deductible and out-of-pocket amounts, verify benefit coverage, and get assistance quickly right in the portal.

Kempton would like your help in communicating this change to your employees!

What are the enhancements they can look forward to?

  • More user-friendly interface.
  • Easier access to information.
  • Additional functionality.
    • Enhanced level of detail.
    • Ability to download all out-of-pocket reports in CSV/Excel.
    • Improved information about benefits.
    • Library of valuable information, forms, documents, and more.
  • Get help quickly right through the system.
  • Mobile app for iPhone and Android users.

What they need to do?

  • Each employee will need to create a NEW USERNAME AND PASSWORD. Their prior login will NOT be ported to the new platform.
  • When the new secure benefit portal is complete, we will notify you and your employees via email with instructions to follow. You will also see notification announcement on our website.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager at Kempton.

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OBA education corner …

The OBA Convention is less than a month away, but it’s not the only thing taking place over the next few weeks! Take note of the following:

  • Vulnerability Management Improvements, May 8, webinar — This session will discuss the major risks that we face and outline a vulnerability management program that will strengthen the security in your institution
  • 2018 Most Common Regulation O Concerns, May 9, webinar — This program provides the information needed by the lending, compliance and audit staff to assure ongoing compliance with the regulation.
  • FFIEC Mobile Services Guidance Review, May 10, webinar — In addition to the guidance, we will explore applied risk management concepts for mobile banking solutions.
  • Account Ownership Documentation, May 10, webinar — This program is an A-Z on account ownership and documentation.
  • Accounts Receivable and Inventory Financing, May 11, webinar — After completing this course, the participant will be less hesitant to enter this type of financing and will be able to recognize when Accounts Receivable and Inventory Financing is required; how to evaluate potential borrowers, and how to structure these transactions to remain in compliance with the regulatory authorities.
  • Introduction to ACH: The Basics, May 15, webinar — The ACH Basics and Overview is designed as an introduction to ACH processing.
  • Critical Issues on CDs, May 17, webinar — Let’s look at our CD rules, procedures and ownership issues that may need to be revamped.
  • Call Reports: RC-C Loan Coding and Related RC-R Reporting, May 18, webinar — Loan information on the Call Report provides critical credit information for regulators, especially in today’s environment.

Also, take note: the Compliance Roundtable, scheduled for May 8, has been canceled. All current registrants should have already been contacted by the OBA education department. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the OBA education department.

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