Thursday, March 13, 2025

Help us help fellow banker get elected

An outstanding young banker – John Symcox – is running for the Oklahoma State Senate.

Importantly, John is very familiar with your business and will be a huge asset for the industry.
John is the Wealth Management Advisor at First Fidelity Bank, and we’re once again asking bankers across the state to support his candidacy. At this point in the campaign, any contribution is appropriate and needed!

John is a fifth generation banker and truly knows the important role community banks play in Oklahoma. From a political standpoint, we now have the opportunity to have two bankers in the State Senate.

We’ve been engaged in Oklahoma “politics” on behalf of bankers for more than 120 years. Having two bankers in the State Senate has not happened before.

There are seven Republicans running for this seat and it is going to be a battle. John is well placed as one of the front-runners with his long history of serving this district. It’s imperative that we get him successfully through the primary.

With all the turnover that will take place in November, having Symcox in the Senate will be a HUGE win for the industry. We can’t “hand pick” every candidate for the State Senate; but, if we could, John would be our first choice.

WE CAN, however, help elect someone we know, who is supportive of our banking issues AND who will act to move the state forward!

Below is a link to John’s website you can use to contribute directly to his campaign. Please help a fellow banker so he can be in a position to help you.

Please don’t hesitate to call Adrian at the OBA if you have any questions.

Click below to support an outstanding young banker and help him win on June 26th.