Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Week of Oct. 8

In This Issue…

Sandy’s salutations
Bankers invited to Mix & Mingles with OSCPA
Viral hoax messages running rampant through Facebook
OBA education corner …

Sandy’s salutations

By Sandy Werner
OBA Chairman

Calling all bankers!

The OCC has issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on the best ways to update the regulatory framework for CRA. Although OCC issued the ANPR, Oklahoma bankers learned in Washington, D.C., that all regulators will be involved in the project. The OCC stated it anticipated receiving 10,000 comments. To date, it has received 30.

The OCC assured us it will read every single comment received. This is our golden opportunity to get CRA updated. Comments are due by Nov. 19, 2018. I encourage each CRA officer to submit a comment. For example, CRA’s treatment of small business and ag lending is too restrictive and needs to be adjusted, or investment standards are too limited and need to be broadened in scope.

Let your voice be heard!

Together we are the OBA!

—– Sandy

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Bankers invited to Mix & Mingles with OSCPA

Want to get to know other young banking and finance professionals in your area?

Grab a seat with us Nov. 1 and enjoy drinks and networking hosted by the OBA Emerging Leaders in partnership with the OSCPA’s Young Accounting Professionals Committee. These Mix & Mingles are 5-7 p.m., come and go.

The November Mix & Mingle will provide a unique atmosphere to chat about career goals and also meet fellow upcoming leaders in Oklahoma City or Tulsa. Don’t miss out – RSVP today by emailing!

Tulsa location:
Open Container
502 E 3rd St # 39
Tulsa, OK 74120-0001

Edmond location:
The Patriarch Craft Beer House & Lawn
9 E Edwards St
OK 73034-3704

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Viral hoax messages running rampant through Facebook

Have you received an odd request via Facebook messenger in the past week from one of your friends claiming your account or their account has been hacked? Several at the OBA have. And while not banking related, these messages are a symptom of a recent Facebook viral hoax, and we felt our bankers should at least be aware of them.

While not necessarily carrying an insidious virus for your computers, these hoax messages are annoying and at least have least have the possibility of being much worse than annoying.

You can read more about this Facebook issue via the Washington Post by clicking here.

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OBA education corner …

Fall is officially here and it seems even the weather has agreed to this reality! Of course, we live in Oklahoma, so the next 90-plus degree day could be just around the corner. One thing ALWAYS just around the corner are OBA educational offerings. Take note of the following:

  • Reg E Compliance, Oct. 16, webinar — Our topic for the webinar will focus on several simple steps to handle Reg E customer disputes and inquiries.
  • Annual BSA Training for Frontline, Oct. 18, webinar — New BSA rules on Customer Due Diligence make it the most important annual training in many years on BSA.
  • Understanding Real Estate Loan Documentation, Oct. 19, webinar — Taught at a basic level (for bankers, not lawyers), the instructor will lead participants through all sections of the various required real estate loan documents.
  • Reg. Z Open-End Credit Rules, Oct. 23, webinar — This two-hour program focuses on the basic rules for open-end credit. If a financial institution offers any form of open-end consumer credit staff members need to understand the basic rules that govern the product.
  • Your Strategic Plan, Oct. 25, webinar — Your bank is unique so your Strategic Plan should be unique as well. Too often, bank executives and directors will construct a strategic plan from old plans, strategies found online or just brainstorming based on emotion or intuition.
  • 2018 Real Estate Lending Compliance Seminar, Oct. 29-30, Oklahoma City — This two-day program provides an overview of the real estate lending requirements from 10 regulations, along with comprehensive coverage of selected topics, policy suggestions, and employee training tips, audit techniques and steps to eliminate past problems.
  • Deposit Compliance Issues, Oct. 31, webinar — During this program we will cover some of the major issues that affect the compliance of your financial institution from these regulations.
  • Consumer Accounts – CIP, ID and Risk, Oct. 31, webinar — This webinar will inform you about the deposit compliance rules and tasks your FI must follow and help you turn uncomfortable customer interviews into friendly and supportive conversations.
  • 2018 Key Ratios Seminar, Nov. 2, Oklahoma City — Attend this proactive seminar and learn a “five-step” analysis plan to calculate the key ratios covering liquidity, activity, leverage, operating performance, and cash flow analysis and correctly interpret the financial condition of the business client.

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