Tuesday, March 11, 2025

We need bankers to tell THEIR story

Once again, we’re reminding bankers at every level to respond to the federal banking agencies’ Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the proposed suggestions for changing the rules around the Community Reinvestment Act.

Tell Your Story. Pick one or two of the 31 questions contained in the ANPR request and tell the regulators about your experiences and what the response of the regulators has been. If you don’t want to identify your bank for fear of exposing you to “retaliation,” send your story on to us – roger@oba.com – and we’ll tell it AND keep your name or any identifiable information out of it!

We are nearing completion of listing some bullet points being developed by the Alliance members, which includes our sister bankers associations and the ABA. The problem is, we cannot simply write a “form” comment because the regulators will not consider it as more than one comment. That’s why we need your “story” – real-life examples of how things work in the real world.

Please call Roger – 405-424-5252 – if you have any questions or concerns.