Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of April 8

In This Issue…

Banks should make nominations for 2019 NextGen Under 30 program
You can help develop future leaders in banking industry (by taking this short survey)!
OBA unveils Community Banks Page on website
OBA education corner …

Banks should make nominations for 2019 NextGen Under 30 program

Have you heard about the NextGen Under 30 program? It is intended to encourage young adult Oklahomans to stay in the state and make it stronger. Since 2011, the NextGen Program has received over 5,500 nominations and selected 900 individual winners.

The NextGen Award Recognition Program honors individuals (30 years old or younger) who have demonstrated certain career leadership qualities and service to their communities. Last year, the program honored 267 young adult Oklahomans, many of whom are going to be future leaders in our state.

The program knows the banking industry has plenty of young up-and-coming individuals and wants to make sure they have a chance to be recognized. To get your bank’s nomination in, visit www.nextgenunder30.com, select the “nominations” link, enter your own information (you will remain anonymous) and enter the information of someone you know who is worthy of winning the award. Then, click the “submit” button.

That’s it!

The Nominee will receive an email directing him or her to complete the award application by the deadline date of Aug. 18. Applications are judged, and winners are announced on Sept. 6. A “Day at the Capitol” event is scheduled on Sept. 23, where winners meet the governor and lieutenant governor, followed by a networking luncheon. The 2019 Annual NextGen Dinner and Award Ceremony will be held on  Nov. 15 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Norman.

Visit www.nextgenunder30.com for more information!

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You can help develop future leaders in the banking industry (by taking this short survey)!

Developing effective managers and leaders continues to be a high priority for our members. From supervisory positions to senior management, the development of skilled professionals is critical to industry success and high performance.

We want to make sure the OBA is delivering the best professional development programs and learning opportunities to support your development activities. With the right mix of industry topics and training resources, we will be able to support your financial professionals throughout their career.

To ensure we are providing the right resources, Cross Financial is helping us survey our membership regarding educational resources for professional and leadership development.  You have been selected to participate and we ask that you please take time to complete the survey. Your feedback is extremely helpful as we plan for OBA classes, programs and conferences. The survey will take less than 10 minutes.

The link to complete the survey is: www.crossfinancial.com/pldr.

Deadline to complete the survey: Friday, April 19

If you’d like, you can provide your email at the end of the survey and you’ll receive an executive summary of the results directly from Cross Financial as soon as they’re compiled this spring.  Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey.

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OBA unveils Community Banks Page on website

April is Community Bankers Month, and in honor of our state’s great community banks, the OBA Community Department has put together a Community Banks Page on our website highlighting the efforts and impacts of OBA community banks on the state and the communities within.

This page features selected “20 Questions!” videos from our bankers where the intertwining of their banks and communities were discussed. Additional features of this page include photos of charity events involving Oklahoma bankers, press releases from recent Oklahoma bank-supported causes and visual snapshots of the importance of Oklahoma banks to the state. We have also included a link to the “Banks on the Web” page on the OBA website that lists the websites for each bank in the state.

The page was built via Adobe Spark in hopes of offering an alternative to a regular webpage as well as to battle the “webpage fatigue” many computer users face. It should work on all monitors and mobile devices, although some extra-wide monitors, as well as cell phones, might reduce some of the visual elements.

Visit the page at https://www.oba.com/2019/03/14/community-page, or click on the Government Relations tab. The page is perfect to share with customers, elected officials or local media! Contact Jeremy (jeremy@oba.com) at the OBA if you have any questions!

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OBA education corner …

Spring break has passed and its starting to look beautiful outside … if you’re not too busy sneezing! If you need a break from your allergies, OBA education events are the way to go! Take note of the following:

  • 2019 Spring HR Seminar, April 18, Oklahoma City — This seminar will explore some of the new processes that technology can provide to help reduce the time human resource managers spend on day-to-day activities and focus more on the big issues they are confronted with.
  • Loan Structuring Basics, April 18, webinar — The principal goal of this course is to enable you to appropriately structure credit exposures, matching loan type, terms and conditions to the borrower’s identified primary and secondary loan repayment sources and underlying credit risks.
  • Basics of Banking: An Overview, April 22, webinar — This webinar is a must for all new bankers and/or those that want to “brush up” on their general banking knowledge!
  • Bank Directors Training, April 23, Oklahoma City — Not only will this seminar help your directors become more knowledgeable, but it will also be viewed favorably by regulators, stockholders and underwriters.
  • Safe Deposit Vault Security & Disaster Recovery Essentials, April 23, webinar — Whether you have 50 boxes or 5,000, this presentation provides a realistic and well-organized method of reviewing and auditing your procedures before a catastrophe occurs.
  • Opening Fiduciary Accounts, April 23, webinar — From court-ordered accounts to authorized signers, a fiduciary account has to be set up correctly and handled perfectly so that your customer gets the best results from the account.
  • Essential Teller Issues Seminars, April 23-Oklahoma City; April 24-Enid; April 25-Ada — Essential Teller Issues is rated the most dynamic teller training experience in the country. You will want all your tellers to take part in this high-impact workshop.
  • Developing and Organizing an Effective (RDC) Program, April 24, webinar — Join us as we outline the detailed information you should consider adding to your documents and processes to support thorough due diligence, risk assessment, and annual oversight of your customers. The information includes and supports your ongoing risk management of remote deposit capture to mitigate the institution’s risk pursuant to the “FFIEC Risk Management of Remote Deposit Capture.”
  • Creating the Right ERM Program for YOUR Community Bank, April 24, webinar — Are you creating your first ERM Program for your bank? Do you want to ensure your current program is complete yet keep it simple? If yes to either question, this webinar is for you!
  • Mortgage Origination Compliance: Part 1, April 25, webinar — How can you keep all the requirements straight in your head so you can be sure to not miss anything? In Part 1 of this two-part webinar, we’ll discuss all the relevant requirements and considerations in the origination process.
  • Understanding Commercial Loan Documents, April 25, webinar — Taught at a basic level (for bankers, not lawyers), the instructor will lead participants through all sections of the various required loan documents.
  • 2019 OBA Ag Conference, April 30, Oklahoma City — Bankers in agricultural and rural markets should plan to attend this year’s conference.
  • 2019 Financial Privacy Seminar, May 2, Oklahoma City — If you groan or agonize when you receive a subpoena or other legal process seeking access to customer information or records, this program is for you!

Also, NOW is the time to get involved in your Association, and one good way to accomplish this is to join one of our committees! We are now taking names for those interested in our committees for the 2019-2020 year. Click here to download an interest form!

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