Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of Aug. 26

In This Issue…

Deadline approaching to apply for 2019 OBA Emerging Leaders Academy

Take note the OBA 2019-20 Emerging Leaders Academy is currently accepting applications, with the deadline being Aug. 30.

The OBA extends an invitation to any employee of a bank that is a member of the OBA to apply. A panel of bankers will review the applicants and choose those accepted into the Academy. Participants must attend all sessions to successfully graduate from the program.

There are six sessions to the Academy: Oct. 4, Nov. 15, Dec. 12, Jan. 10, Feb. 25, March 27. Graduation will take place on May 19, 2020, at the OBA Annual Convention in Tulsa.

Click here for more information or to apply! For more information, please contact Megan McGuire at (405) 424-5252 or megan@oba.com

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Be sure to return your bank’s Hall of Fame ballots!

By now, your bank should have received its Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame ballots. Please make sure your bank’s ballots are returned to the OBA by the end of August so they can be tallied.

If you have any questions, contact Lea Ann Jackson at the OBA.

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OBA member relations liaison promoted to vice president

The OBA’s member relations liason, Megan McGuire, was promoted to vice president at last week’s OBA Board of Directors meeting.

McGuire joined the OBA in May 2015 and is in charge of member relations at the Association. Prior to joining the OBA, she worked in events in both corporate and nonprofit sectors.

A native of Ardmore, McGuire is a 2008 graduate from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s in public relations.

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OBA education corner …

These are what they call the “dog days” of summer. There’s still several weeks of hot weather in front of us, and autumn seems impossibly far away. Take advantage, however, of these days that seems to barely drag along and use a few spare hours on continuing education from the OBA! Take note of the following:

  • Compliance Rules for Commercial Loans Secured by Real Estate, Aug. 28, webinar — Real-life examples are used to explain how applicable regulations apply during the commercial loan application process.
  • What To Do When A Customer Dies, Aug. 29, webinar — We’ll walk you through the complicated process of dealing with a customer’s death – both on the deposit side and the loan side, as well as unique issues when doing business with the decedent’s estate.
  • Dealing With Appraisals: Regulations and Requirements, Aug. 29, webinar — We’ll provide in-depth details of the appraisal and valuation process, from both the lender and appraiser side of the game, to provide a thorough understanding of what is required and what you need.
  • CBD Oil and Your Bank, Sept. 3, webinar — This webinar will look at the state statutes and discuss what your financial institution’s path may be for banking CBD oil businesses.
  • FFIEC CAT vs. InTREx, Sept. 4, webinar — In this presentation, we will review both processes; best practices using each, comparison of their differences, and how to leverage them together.
  • 2019 Cybersecurity Seminar, Sept. 5, Oklahoma City — This seminar is designed to provide training on evolving cybersecurity threats and what your bank should do to build a strong Information Security Program that helps protect against these threats.
  • Federal Benefit Payments Garnishment Requirements, Sept. 5, webinar — On May 29, 2013, the U.S. Department of Treasury, along with several federal agencies, including the Social Security Administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Railroad Retirement Board, and the Office of Personnel Management, published the Rule on the Garnishment of Accounts Containing Federal Benefit Payments. Learn more about it in this webinar.
  • Seven Habits of Effective Credit Administration in Commercial Banks, Sept. 6, webinar — This course will evaluate the reasoning and requirements for each of these characteristics so that the participant can begin the process of developing such a culture within their respective organization.
  • Residential Construction Lending, Sept. 9, webinar — This program provides an overview of the major issues involved in consumer or residential construction lending, primarily to individuals having a home built or remodeled.
  • Right of Setoff, Sept. 10, webinar — Do you know when the right of setoff is allowed and when it isn’t? Do you know if your financial institution has a statutory or contractual right of setoff? Do you understand the financial risks of using your setoff rights incorrectly? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, make sure to attend this valuable webinar.
  • 2019 Analyzing Financial Statements Seminar, Sept. 18-20, Oklahoma City — Commercial lending officers, credit department personnel, loan review personnel and operations personnel interested in learning more about commercial lending will benefit from this three-day course.
  • 2019 ACH Processing & Compliance Seminar, Sept. 24, Oklahoma City — Get more information on the important ACH processing and compliance work done in your bank.
  • 2019 OBA Consumer Lending School, Oct. 7-11, Oklahoma City — The total program of this school exposes students to major issues consumer credit managers face. It provides a framework for examining a bank’s consumer credit programs, policies and procedures.

Finally, here’s a save-the-date reminder for the 2020 OBA Senior Management Forum! The Conference has been scheduled for April 5-7 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Look for more information in the upcoming months!

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