Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of March 16

In This Issue…

OBA to host conference call regarding coronavirus

The OBA will host a live conference call at 10 a.m., Wednesday, March 18, to discuss the industry’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

The primary contact for each institution received this notification on Monday. While we want each bank to participate, we need to limit the call to one call-in per bank. The call-in information has been sent to the primary contact for each bank. (Please contact megan@oba.com if you need the call-in sent to a different contact.) Please have those who need to hear the call from your bank on one line while being mindful of social distancing. Please note: This call will be recorded, distributed to all banks and posted to OBA.com.

OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage will host the call and will be joined by Oklahoma State Banking Commissioner Mick Thompson.

In preparation for the call, the OBA will be gathering information on how our member banks are generally addressing the coronavirus crisis with their customers. Specifically, we’re interested to learn whether member banks plan to keep some or all of their lobbies open, at least initially. We’re also asking banks about any messaging that’s being sent to their customers and any other “special” processes and procedures being done regarding COVID-19.

Please send your bank’s information to jeremy@oba.com. We plan to share the results of this informal survey during Wednesday conference call.
In the meantime, stay up to date with the latest factual information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic particularly in the United States, and specifically here in Oklahoma. We will share any and all ideas and outreach efforts by the banking industry, by adding them to the OBA’s coronavirus information page.

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All OBA events canceled or postponed through April 10

To ensure the health and safety of all those involved, OBA live events and seminars scheduled through April 10 are either canceled or postponed in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Webinars on a variety of topics to meet your training and continuing education needs are available on OBA.com.

Please refer to the coronavirus resource page for more information on how the OBA is assisting its bankers in keeping up coronavirus information.

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ABA to host free webinar on pandemic operational risk

ABA will host a second free webinar for members on coronavirus preparedness on Wednesday, March 18, at noon CDT. The 90-minute webinar will focus on managing the operational risk posed by the pandemic, department by department.

Speakers, including ABA SVP Paul Benda and Michael Berman, president and CEO of Ncontracts, a company that specializes in enterprise risk management, will offer a breakdown of risks by department. They will also address: forecasting changes in banking behavior and customer needs, determining if your existing business continuity plan is adequate and how to conduct a pandemic risk assessment, among other things. Register for the webinar.

ABA members can keep up with the latest pandemic-related developments on ABA’s dedicated coronavirus response page at aba.com/coronavirus.

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AARP Oklahoma provides resource for consumer protection

AARP Oklahoma hosted a free virtual town hall that discusses how to spot a scam, so you can stop a scam. AARP State Director Sean Voskuhl, Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter and Elaine Dodd with Oklahoma Bankers Association Fraud Division answer questions, talk about the latest scams and share resources for fighting fraud. Click here to view the video of the town hall. This is a resource regarding isolated customers and covers what to do in response to fraud. Additionally,  it is a great, positive PR tool for bankers to share with customers.

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Nominations open for OBA first vice chairman

Notice to the membership:

Pursuant to Article 6.3 of the By Laws of the Oklahoma Bankers Association, notice is hereby given of the appointment of a nominating committee for the office of first vice chairman of the Association. The committee is chaired by the immediate past chair, and consists of four additional members of the OBA’s Board of Directors. It was approved at the February board meeting.

This year, Sandy Werner, CEO, First National Bank & Trust, Elk City, will serve as chair of the nominating committee. The other members of the committee (including contact information) are as follows:

Don Clark Mark Londagin
First State Bank First National, Grove
Anadarko Grove (Branch of Vinita)
(405) 247-2471 (918) 786-7775
donc@fsbanadarko.com mlondagin@fnbgrove.com

Priscilla Cude T.W. Shannon
President & CEO CEO
First Bethany Bank Chickasaw State Bank
Bethany Oklahoma City
(405) 789-1110 (405) 946-2287
Pcude@firstbethany.com tw.shannon@bank2.bank

Any active officer of a member bank or holding company is eligible to serve as first vice chairman following his or her election at the Association’s Annual Meeting and Convention. If you have an interest in seeking this office, or know of someone who has an interest, please contact any member of the committee to let them know of that interest.

For questions, please call Roger Beverage (405) 424-5252 or email him at roger@oba.com.

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Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders?

The OBA is looking for bankers interested in serving as chairperson of the OBA Emerging Leaders Division.

Any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in the OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or have previously graduated from an OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or OBA Leadership Academy are eligible for the position.

The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work closely with OBA staff to continue to build and direct the OBA Emerging Leaders program. The chairperson will also serve as a voting member on the OBA Board of Directors.

Are you interested? If so, download the Emerging Leaders-Chair Interest Form by clicking here!

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OBA 2021 Views & Vistas Photo Contest deadline approaching

The Oklahoma Bankers Association is proud to offer again the customized calendar, “Oklahoma Views & Vistas” from photographs of Oklahoma submitted by Oklahoma bankers and their family members and board of directors and their family members.

These calendars will be sold exclusively to banks across the state of Oklahoma for bankers to give to their customers to enjoy all year long!

If you or a family member is an amateur photographer and would like the opportunity to have your creativity displayed in homes and businesses across Oklahoma, the OBA has a great opportunity for you! So send us your photos of farms, barns, agricultural activities, historical Oklahoma locations, county fairs, carnivals, parades or festivals, fall colors, winter snowfalls, spring flowers or summer fun; any photo that shows the history and beauty of the great state of Oklahoma.

The deadline to submit photos is March 27. All photos submitted will be scored by a panel of judges. The top scoring photos will be featured in the 2021 Views & Vistas calendar!

Click here for more information and the registration form.

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OBA education corner …

While live events and seminars are currently on hold, the OBA’s education department has plenty of webinars lined up:

  • CTRs: Line by Line, March 24, webinar — The webinar will go line by line through the CTR. You will learn how to avoid pitfalls and common errors.
  • Three Key Risk Assessments In Your ERM Program, March 30, webinar — This webinar will first take you through a basic review of what is ERM and the basic steps to develop strong risk assessments to address key areas of your institution.
  • Overdraft Requirements & Best Practices, April 7, webinar — This webinar will dissect the regulatory requirements and examiner expectations related to overdrafts in plain English.
  • Understanding Commercial Loan Documents, April 8, webinar — Taught at a basic level (for bankers, not lawyers), the instructor will lead participants through all sections of the various required loan documents.

GSB-Madison is offering webinar on COVID19. Plan, Don’t Panic – Workplace Issues Related to COVID19, March 19, webinar — This timely “hot topic” GSB online seminar will provide practical advice to address employment law concerns related to the coronavirus. Don’t wait – register today to ensure you’re as prepared as possible to deal with this evolving situation.

Finally, several scholarships are now available to bankers from OBA-member banks for various graduate schools of banking. Applications should be submitted to the OBA’s Janis Reeser by email (janis@oba.com), regular mail (643 N.E. 41st St., OKC, 73105) or fax (405-424-4518). The scholarship recipients will be selected and announced no later than April 22.

Click on the links below for more specific information about each scholarship:

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