Saturday, February 22, 2025

PSAs on PPP available for local radio stations

Entering the weekend, the OBA sent out a news release to a number of Oklahoma radio stations, urging them to run enclosed public service announcements related to the Paycheck Protection Program..

We encourage our banks to send the news release to their own local radio stations as well, to increase the possibility of them being aired.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jeremy Cowen (

Oklahoma small business owners still have access to Paycheck Protection Program

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma banks want to make sure ALL small businesses in our state have had their chance at taking part in the Paycheck Protection Program.
With funds still available, we’re asking radio stations throughout the state to please, if possible, air a version of the following PSAs. We’re not looking for free advertising and no banks are specifically mentioned – we simply want to make sure all small business owners are aware of the opportunity still available to them and where they can go for more information.

:30 RADIO (English)

Coronavirus has not only put lives at risk.

It threatens small businesses and jobs that support our economy.

Oklahoma’s community banks are here to help.

If you are a small business owner, you may qualify for a Paycheck Protection Program loan from the Small Business Administration.

P-P-P loans can help small business owners keep their business open and employees on the payroll.

But don’t delay. Funds are limited.

Contact your nearest community bank to learn more.

This message brought to you by the Oklahoma Bankers Association and the American Bankers Association whose members work every day for stronger communities.

:15 RADIO (English)

Coronavirus threatens businesses and jobs, but Oklahoma’s banks are here to help.

If you own a small business, you may qualify for the Paycheck Protection Program.

Contact your nearest bank to learn more.

This message brought to you by the Oklahoma Bankers Association and the American Bankers Association.

:30 RADIO (Español)

El coronavirus amenaza a las pequeñas empresas que apoyan la economía de Oklahoma.

Si usted es propietario de una pequeña empresa, puede calificar para un préstamo de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas a través de los bancos comunitarios de Oklahoma.

Los préstamos del Programa de Protección de Nominas le ayudará a mantener su negocio abierto y a sus empleados en la nómina.
Póngase en contacto con un banco comunitario para más información.

No demore. Fondos limitados.

Este mensaje es presentado por la Asociación de Banqueros de Oklahoma.

:15 RADIO (Español)

El coronavirus amenaza a las empresas y trabajos pero los bancos de Oklahoma pueden ayudarles.

Si Usted es propietario de una pequeña empresa, puede calificar para un préstamo de la Administración de Pequeñas Empresas.

Contacte con un banco comunitario para más información.

Este mensaje se presenta por la Asociación de Banqueros de Oklahoma.