Tuesday, March 11, 2025

ABA, OBA create voting toolkit

It’s officially October, and news on the presidential election is on every corner.
The conversation has taken over social media, television and even the dinner table. While talking about the election is a great way to educate yourself and others, the most essential part is exercising your right to vote.
The American Bankers Association has teamed with the Oklahoma Bankers Association to create a Get Out the Vote resource page to enable bankers to quickly learn more about whether they’re registered to vote, where they can vote and how they can learn about the candidates on their ballots. The page includes a toolkit with important dates, links and tips for creating awareness and promoting voter participation among employees at your organization.
The website and toolkit are Oklahoma-specific and are great resources to share with family and friends.
You can learn more about and visit the resource page via the front page of OBA.com.