Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of May 3

In This Issue…

Guidance updated on PPP whole loan sales

The Small Business Administration extended its guidance this week on how lenders may sell whole Paycheck Protection Program loans.

The SBA’s previous guidance on whole loan sales of PPP loans expired on May 1, and the new guidance has been back-dated to take effect on April 30.

The guidance reaffirmed lenders participating in the PPP may sell their interest in PPP loans to other participating lenders, and SBA’s prior written consent is not required for these sales.

Click here to read the entire guidance by the SBA.

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Adrian Beverage assumes president/CEO position at OBA

The Oklahoma Bankers Association will have a new president and CEO for the first time in 33 years – but one with a familiar name – when Adrian Beverage assumes the post officially on Saturday, May 1.

Beverage will be moving from his current position as chief of staff, executive vice president and director of government relations for the OBA, where he tracked active legislation and developed grassroots advocacy processes.

He has been with the Association since 2000.

“I am excited and humbled to be granted the opportunity to lead the Oklahoma Bankers Association,” Adrian Beverage said. “I look forward to working with banks across our state to strengthen an industry that is vital to the success of all Oklahomans.”

You can read the entire media release about Beverage taking over the Association’s top role by clicking here.

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2021 OBA Directory of Banks available

The latest edition of the OBA Directory of Banks are in and now available for order.

This essential reference includes important information about all Oklahoma banks, savings and loans, savings banks and holding companies. It also has key personnel listed as well as a fast-find index and more!

Click here for more information to order – if you are wanting to order more than nine copies, however, please send the order form directly to Thi Pham at the OBA for special pricing!

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OBA Convention quickly approaching!

The Oklahoma Bankers Association 2021 Convention is set for May 24-26 in Oklahoma City, with the brand-new Omni Hotel as the host locale.

Esther George, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, will speak at the 2021 OBA Convention on Wednesday, May 26. Her session will last from 9-9:45 a.m., and will be titled “Economic Outlook”.

Click here for more information and to register for the event, as well as to find more information on the Convention Golf Tournament, which will happen early Monday afternoon of convention.

You can also bookmark our dedicated mobile web page for the convention, which includes the schedule, speaker bios, sponsors and more. Click here to visit the page. Those on iPhones can save the page on their home screen like an app by simply hitting the share button at the bottom of the screen (icon at center that looks like a square with an arrow in the middle pointing up) and clicking “Add to Home Screen”. Android user can do the same by going to the page, hitting the share button (icon at far right that looks like three parallel lines) and clicking the same add to home screen button.

You can contact the OBA education department with any other questions at 405-424-5252. Remember that current local COVID-19 guidelines will be followed during the convention.

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2021 Senior Management Conference set for June in Las Vegas

Pack your bags and mark your calendars because the Oklahoma Bankers Association 2021 Senior Management Forum is scheduled for Jun 20-22 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

This year’s conference features an exciting lineup of speakers, but one of the key benefits in the conference will be talking with your peers. Attendees at the OBA 2021 Senior Management Forum will be surrounded by those with similar titles, similar workloads, similar problems and likely solutions to issues that can be just as similar.

If you have any questions or want to get signed up, contact the OBA’s education department at 405-424-5252.

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OBA education corner …

Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, OBA Convention … there are so many things to look forward to in the month of May, which is approaching quickly! New OBA education events add to the list of exciting things coming up, so check them out below.

NOTE: Effective March 16, 2020, and until further notice, TTS (our webinar provider) has extended the OnDemand access period for all ‘Live Plus Five (Days)’ registrants to 60 days (versus five business days). Also, they are waiving the $75 per location fee for additional locations.

  • Call Reports: Loan Coding and Risk Weighing Loans, webinar, May 11 — This webinar will walk through the classification priority for reporting loan information correctly. We will also walk through the reporting of restructured troubled debt and the exemptions allowed for certain modified loans under CARES Act Section 4013 and the Revised Statement issued by the Regulators in April 2020 due to COVID-19.
  • What You Need to Know About Today’s Ransomware Attacks, webinar, May 11 — Join us to recap the statistics related to ransomware and learn how to prepare for this growing threat.
  • Mortgage Origination Compliance, webinar, May 12, 26 — In this 2-part webinar, we’ll discuss all the relevant requirements and considerations in the origination process.
  • Loan Participation for Community Banks: Risks and Rewards, webinar, May 14 — This program covers the risks and rewards of loan participations to both the lead bank and the purchasing bank. Attendees will gain a thorough understanding of Participation Agreements.
  • CRE Lending: Property Types, Lease Structures and Other Risks, webinar, May 17 — This program will cover the non-financial factors all commercial and industrial lenders should be familiar with.
  • Handling Deposit Accounts and Checks at Death, webinar, May 18 — During this program, we will look at the checks and all the questions you get asked: insurance checks, treasury checks and regular checks, what are you supposed to do and what can you do to help the account holder and his or her family, and what if there will be no official estate account?
  • Event Identifying and Documenting CRA Community Development Activities, webinar, May 19 — This program provides the information needed to assure proper credit is given for CD activities thereby assuring a higher rating and limiting the additional burden of a lower rating.
  • Back to Basics: the CARD Act, webinar — Join Regulatory Compliance Counsel Michael Christians for this informative 90-minute session covering requirements.

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