Saturday, February 22, 2025

Results compiled from OBA vaccine survey

The OBA sent out last week a short survey about the COVID vaccine and whether our member banks have, or plan to have, a mandate for their employees.

We wanted to share the results of the non-scientific survey with our members. Here are the results:

(answers | percentage of total answers)

Q1: Does your bank have a COVID vaccine mandate for its employees?
A1: Yes, all employees eligible are required to be vaccinated (1 | 2%)
A2: No, we have no vaccine requirements (50 | 89%)
A3: Yes & no — we require eligible employees to be vaccinated OR they must wear a mask (5 | 9%)

Q2: Do you expect to create a COVID vaccine mandate in the future or require non-vaccinated employees wear masks?
A1: Yes (7 | 17%)
A2: No (35 | 83%)

Q3: Has your bank given vaccine encouragement to employees through tangible benefits, such as extra vacation time, monetary bonuses, etc?
A1: Yes (12 | 24%)
A2: No (39 | 76%)

Q4: What is your bank’s general location?
A1: Oklahoma City metro (13 | 24%)
A2: Tulsa metro (5 | 9%)
A3: Northeast Oklahoma (8 | 15%)
A4: Southeast Oklahoma (14 | 25%)
A5: Southwest Oklahoma (6 | 11%)
A6: Northwest Oklahoma (9 |16%)

Q5: What is your bank’s size, in assets?
A1: Less than $250 million (30 | 55%)
A2: $250-$500 million (13 | 24%)
A3: $500-$750 million (6 | 11%)
A4: More than $750 million (6 | 11%)