Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of Nov 8.

In This Issue…

Acting comptroller discusses climate change risk

Acting Comptroller Michael Hsu said this week the OCC expects to handle climate change risk regulation by the end of 2021 with high-level framework guidelines and five “range of practices” questions for large-bank boards.

The questions are aimed to spark discussions with management at the board level and to influence more specific guidance that will most likely be issued in 2022. Following the more specific guidance in 2022, an examination based on the guidance will be conducted, with a focus on medium and smaller bank risk following that.

To read Hsu’s remarks, click here.

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Thank you to our Bankers’ Night Out sponsors

The OBA would like to send a special thank you to our fall Bankers’ Night Out sponsors. We couldn’t do these events without you.

Thank you for your continued support!

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OBA partners with Office Depot for association member discounts

The OBA has partnered with Office Depot to provide association members significant discounts on a wide range of office and banking supplies, furniture, print and copy services, promotional products, break room provisions and more.

Below is a list of the November coupons for use by our member bankers:

  1. November Offer 20 off 150
  2. November Offer 50 off 350
  3. November Offer 15 off 100


Contact: Kimberly Gilbert
Phone: (855) 337-6811 x 12815
Email: kimberly.gilbert@officedepot.com
Website: https://business.officedepot.com

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OBA welcomes new strategic member

Automated Integrated, LLC

Automation Integrated (AI) provides services, streamlining, continuous improvement and a full suite of operational mosaics. AI services and products completely integrate operations from access controls to cyber protection, tech protect, building automation, security solutions, information systems and software development to increase efficiency while meeting security protocols. In short, creative and adaptive solutions for your specific needs.


Contact: Brent Heckel
235 N. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 1000
Oklahoma City, OK 73127
Phone: (405) 432-4241, Cell: (405) 317-8664
Email: brent@ai-sys.com
Website: www.ai-sys.com

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OBA education corner …

November is here, which means Thanksgiving is closing in! Turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, dressing, pumpkin pie … it’s one of our favorite holidays here at the OBA! But don’t let it distract you from all the upcoming education opportunities we have to offer, including the following:

NOTE: Effective March 16, 2020, and until further notice, TTS (our webinar provider) has extended the OnDemand access period for all ‘Live Plus Five (Days)’ registrants to 60 days (versus five business days). Also, they are waiving the $75 per location fee for additional locations.

  • Most Common TRID Issues, Nov. 18, webinar — In this webinar we’ll explore those hot spots, gray areas, and frequently-violated provisions. We’ll spend time discussing the timing of the various disclosures (which can get quite complicated), disclosure of fees, and calculating tolerances and potential reimbursement issues. Our goal is to ensure you understand where the TRID rules can create uncertainty and risk, and insulate your institution as much as possible from noncompliance.
  • Employment Records and How to Keep ThemNov. 19, webinar — Your record keeping procedures are an important consideration when it comes to a dispute with a current or former employee, and whether your documentation will even hold up before a Court, the EEOC, or some other regulatory agency. This program provides information not just on what records you should keep and for how long, but on the several underlying and even more important issues of record creation, storage, and the DON’TS which create the major liabilities.
  • Compliance Responsibilities in Foreclosures, Nov. 19, webinar — The foreclosure process is by its nature a state-specific endeavor, but there are federal requirements as well. The CFPB and other federal agencies have instituted numerous requirements that must be met before foreclosures can be initiated. This webinar will discuss those requirements and provide guidance on the proper steps to follow to ensure you understand all the requirements when considering or initiating a foreclosure action.

Also, save the date for two big OBA events next year! The OBA Senior Management Forum (April 3-5) and the OBA Annual Convention (May 18-20). Mark your calendars and be ready to join us for these signature events!

Finally, mark your 2022 calendars for all the upcoming schools offered by the OBA!

  • Intermediate Banking — Feb. 7-11; June 6-10.
  • Commercial Lending — March 6-11.
  • Compliance — Aug. 22-26.
  • Basic Banking — Sept. 12-15.
  • Consumer Lending — Oct. 3-7.
  • Operations — November 14-18.

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