Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Week of March 14

In This Issue…

OCC head warns banks about traditional overdraft programs

Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu last week ramped up his rhetoric urging banks to reconsider their overdraft products.

“You don’t want to be the last bank that still has a traditional overdraft program,” he said, while speaking at the ABA Washington Summit last week in which several OBA-member bankers were in attendance.

Discussing changes that several large and midsize banks have announced to their overdraft programs in recent months, Hsu expressed his view that such reforms are “long overdue,” and signaled that all banks should be re-evaluating overdraft fees, grace periods and payment orders, among other features.

“It’s important to look at who your customers are, what they need and how to empower them the most,” Hsu said, adding that “the objective that we share is ‘pro-consumer’—what is going to be positive and financially empowering for customers—that’s what you want.” Hsu acknowledged, however, that “it’s very hard to paint with a broad brush,” and that consumers have varying needs and differ in their use of overdraft protection.

You can click here to watch a video of all of Hsu’s comments at the Summit.

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OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs begin next week

The dates for the OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs have been finalized, with the Enid date coming soon. Mark your calendar for the date of the program that’s in your area of the state and plan to attend.

Bring your coworkers with you so that everyone can be up to speed on the most recent developments affecting their job. In addition to state and federal legislative updates, the program will include a discussion on the recent developments in your industry.

As in the past, the schedule for each of these meetings is:

5:30 p.m. – Drinks
6:15 p.m. – Program
7 p.m. – Dinner

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The cost is $50 per person. Locations and dates for this year’s events are:

  • Wednesday, March 23 – Enid at Oakwood Country Club.
  • Tuesday, March 29 – Lawton at Lawton Country Club.
  • Thursday, March 31 – Krebs at Pete’s Place.
  • Thursday, April 14 – Guymon at Hunny’s.
  • Monday, April 18 – Tulsa at Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills.
  • Wednesday, April 27 – Oklahoma City at Embassy Suites Downtown/Medical Center.

Click here for a registration form or register online. Also, click here for a sponsorship form.

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Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders?

The OBA is looking for bankers interested in serving as chairperson of the OBA Emerging Leaders Division.

Any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in the OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or have previously graduated from an OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or OBA Leadership Academy are eligible for the position.

The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work closely with OBA staff to continue to build and direct the OBA Emerging Leaders program. The chairperson will also serve as a voting member on the OBA Board of Directors.

Are you interested? If so, click here to download the Emerging Leaders-Chair Interest Form. The deadline to return the form is March 31.

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Banking school scholarships, OBA scholarship, available

Several scholarships are now available to bankers from OBA-member banks for various graduate schools of banking and programs at those GSBs.

Applications should be submitted to the OBA’s Janis Reeser by email (janis@oba.com), regular mail (643 N.E. 41st St., OKC, 73105) or fax (405-424-4518).

Below are the available scholarships. Contact the OBA education department for more specific information about each scholarship:

Additionally, each year, the OBA awards a $1,000 scholarship to an incoming freshman who has a parent, grandparent, sibling or spouse who is a Professional Member of the Association.

The student must enroll in an accredited Oklahoma institution of higher education. The applicant must also be graduating from an Oklahoma high school. A panel of bankers will select the winning applicant.

Click here to access the application for the 2022 scholarship. Applications are due April 15, 2022. Contact Megan McGuire with any questions.

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OBA welcomes new strategic members

The OBA welcomes new additions to its family of strategic members.

Chatham Financial
Provide interest rate hedging solutions as well as in-house hedge accounting and regulatory compliance advisory to more than 200 community and regional financial institutions.

Jessie Kelley
7926 S. Platte Canyon Road
Littleton, CO 80128
Phone: (720) 746-6571
Email: jkelley4@chathamfinancial.com
Website: www.chathamfinancial.com

QSI (Quality Service Installation) 
QSI provides turnkey delivery of NCR ATM and ITM solutions and is NCR’s largest financial partner in the U.S. We offer remote access services for patch management, anti-virus, and more. Titan Armored offers branch cash and ATM/ITM cash replenishment, among other services. QSI is a full-service bank equipment company (video, alarm, drive-up, sales). No long term service contracts, outsourcing available.

Ersel Holder
Newalla, OK
Phone: (502) 350-1000, Cell: (502) 337-0125
Email: ersel.holder@qsibanking.com
Website: www.qsibanking.com

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OBA education corner …

It’s spring break! And it appears the weather will cooperate! So, throw on those sunglasses and drop the top on the convertible with a little Katrina and the Waves playing! Before you do all that, though, take a quick second and sit down to plan out your upcoming continuing educational schedule for when you return:

  • Letter of Credit, March 22, webinar — Whether your bank issues letters of credit, accepts letters of credit or takes liens on letter of credit rights, this program is for you.
  • Legal Liabilities When Check Fraud Occurs, March 23, webinar — This webinar provides attendees with an overview of the laws that control loss allocation when check fraud occurs.
  • Opening Business Accounts, March 29-Oklahoma City; March 30-TulsaIn this seminar, participants gain confidence and a clear understanding of the regulatory, compliance, documentation and state law requirements for opening business accounts.
  • Best-Ever Compliance Checklists for Commercial Loans, April 1, Oklahoma City — This colorful checklist, patterned after the popular Best-Ever Consumer Checklists, will guide bankers through those traps and ensure compliance.
  • 2022 CFO Conference, April 14, Oklahoma City — Please join us and learn how to manage all critical aspects such as strategic planning, interest rate risk analysis, risk management and capital and funding requirements that can positively influence your bank’s profitability.
  • 2022 Spring HR Seminar, April 19, Oklahoma City — This seminar will bring you up to date on legal compliance issues and pending legislation for the future.

Finally, NOW is the time to get involved in your Association, and one good way to accomplish this is to join one of our committees! We are now taking names for those interested in our committees for the 2021-20220 year. By participating with the group three to four times a year, you learn more about your profession, meet other bankers, share ideas and become better at what you do. Click here to download an interest form!

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