Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of April 11

In This Issue…

Bankers’ Night Out programs continue next week in Tulsa

The dates for the OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs have been finalized, with the Tulsa date coming next week. Mark your calendar for the date of the program that’s in your area of the state and plan to attend.

This week’s Guymon event, scheduled for April 14, has been canceled. Please contact the OBA for more information.

Bring your coworkers with you so that everyone can be up to speed on the most recent developments affecting their job. In addition to state and federal legislative updates, the program will include a discussion on the recent developments in your industry.

As in the past, the schedule for each of these meetings is:

5:30 p.m. – Drinks
6:15 p.m. – Program
7 p.m. – Dinner

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The cost is $50 per person. Locations and dates for this year’s events are:

  • Monday, April 18 – Tulsa at Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills.
  • Wednesday, April 27 – Oklahoma City at Embassy Suites Downtown/Medical Center.

Click here for a registration form or register online. Also, click here for a sponsorship form.

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Salary survey deadline extended

The deadline for the Blanchard Consulting Group 2022 Compensation Trends and Benefits Survey has been extended to Friday, April 15.

We thank those of you who have already completed this survey. The survey covers recent trends in various compensation programs such as: annual incentive plan design and payouts, equity/long-term incentive programs, executive benefits including employment/change-in-control agreements, deferred compensation plans/supplemental executive retirement plans, perquisites and employee benefits surrounding 401K plans, tuition reimbursements, medical coverage, and more. This survey will provide valuable market data on a wide variety of compensation-related topics.

Once the survey is completed, it will be available for purchase. Participants in the survey receive a 50 percent discount on their purchase ($150 compared to $300 for non-participants).

To complete the survey, please click on the link below:

2022 Compensation Trends and Employee Benefits Survey Link

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Last week to vote for OBA Emerging Leaders chair

The OBA has heard from bankers interested in serving as chair of the Emerging Leaders Division. This position is open to any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or had previously graduated from an OBA Leadership Academy.

The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work closely with OBA staff to continue to build and direct the OBA Emerging Leaders program. The chair will also serve as a member on the OBA Board of Directors. To learn more about the candidates, click the names below to read their bios and then cast your vote.

All OBA Emerging Leaders are encouraged to learn more about the candidates and vote for the division chairperson. Click their individual names above or click here to access a document containing all bios. Click here to cast your vote. Voting will close on Friday!

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Time to relive 1980s with OB80s!

Registration is now open for 2022 OBA Convention!

Do you have jams and day-glo shirts in your closet?

Do you long for the days of playing Space Invaders and Pac-Man at the local arcade?

Are Simple Minds and Thompson Twins blaring out of your car speakers?

Is watching Jake Ryan surprise Samantha in front of the church your idea of feel-good movie watching?

If any of the answers to the above questions were “yes” … and quite honestly, even if your answers were, “Huh?” we think the 2022 OBA Convention is for you!

The 2022 OBA Convention & Trade Show is set for May 18-20 at the Omni Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. This year’s theme is centered around that decade of decadence, the 1980s – hence our convention name of “The OB80s

Registration is NOW OPEN for the event, so it’s time to get yourself and your bank co-workers signed up for this year’s event.

While the final agenda and speaker list is being finalized, we can tell you this year’s Convention will feature an 1980s-themed exhibitor reception followed by a planned excursion to the Flashback Retropub to really revel in those 80s vibes!

Don’t wait! Get registered now: Click here to download the registration brochure … or contact the OBA education department at 405-424-5252.

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OBA scholarship available

Each year, the OBA awards a $1,000 scholarship to an incoming freshman who has a parent, grandparent, sibling or spouse who is a Professional Member of the Association.

The student must enroll in an accredited Oklahoma institution of higher education. The applicant must also be graduating from an Oklahoma high school. A panel of bankers will select the winning applicant.

Click here to access the application for the 2022 scholarship. Applications are due April 15, 2022. Contact Megan McGuire with any questions.

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OBA education corner …

First things first: Have you registered for the OBA Convention yet? If not, check out the story right above this one. Once that’s done, then take a peek at the other upcoming educational opportunities we have planned for you!

  • Essential Teller Issues Seminars, April 19-Tulsa; April 20-Oklahoma City; April 21-Enid — The program zeroes in on six modules that remind your tellers of the importance of what they do, how they do it, what they say, and how they deliver customer service.
  • Employment Records and How To Keep Them, April 22, webinar — This program provides information not just on what records you should keep and for how long, but on the several underlying and even more important issues of record creation, storage, and the DON’TS which create the major liabilities.
  • BSA Fundamentals Seminars, April 26-Tulsa; April 27-Oklahoma City — This workshop will provide current, updated tools, techniques, and “real world” examples for learning the critical components of a BSA/AML program.
  • E-Sign for Deposit Accounts – Challenges & Solutions, April 27, webinar — This informative session will be helpful to ensure deposit compliance with e-banking and is targeted for compliance officers, risk managers, deposit operations managers, business development managers and others responsible for managing online banking, E-SIGN compliance, e-statements and e-disclosures for deposit accounts.
  • 2022 Rural Bankers/Ag Conference, April 28, Oklahoma City — Bankers in agricultural and rural markets should plan to attend this year’s conference, which several great speakers!
  • Advanced Commercial Lending Series, May 4-Financial Statements and Cash Flow Analysis; May 5-Tax Return Analysis; May 6-C&I and CRE, Oklahoma City — Commercial lenders, credit analysts, relationship managers and credit administrators should look at these advanced classes and consider attending!

Finally, NOW is the time to get involved in your Association, and one good way to accomplish this is to join one of our committees! We are now taking names for those interested in our committees for the 2021-20220 year. By participating with the group three to four times a year, you learn more about your profession, meet other bankers, share ideas and become better at what you do. Click here to download an interest form!

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