Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of April 25

In This Issue…

CFPB to examine non-bank financial institutions

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced earlier this week it is invoking a largely unused legal provision to examine non-bank financial companies that pose risks to consumers.

The CFPB believes utilizing this dormant authority will help protect consumers and level the playing field between banks and non-banks. The CFPB is also seeking public comments on a procedural rule to make this process more transparent.

Under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, the CFPB has authority to use traditional law enforcement to stop companies from engaging in conduct that pose risk to consumers; this can involve adversarial litigation. However, the law also gives the CFPB authority to conduct supervisory examinations to review the books and records of regulated entities. CFPB examiners typically provide a report to entities with problems that need to be addressed, and responsible institutions typically take prompt corrective action.

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Bankers’ Night Out programs wrap up on Wednesday

The OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs wrap up Wednesday with the final stop set in Oklahoma City at the Embassy Suites Downtown/Medical Center.

At previous stops this spring, the programs have been highlighted by short speeches from candidates for various statewide offices. The Oklahoma City event will be no different as we expect to hear from candidates for the state’s attorney general and treasurer’s races, as well as from some of those vying to replace retiring Sen. Jim Inhofe.

Currently slated to attend are:

  • Gentner Drummond.
  • Clark Jolley.
  • Todd Russ.
  • Luke Holland.
  • Kendra Horn.
  • T.W. Shannon.

Bring your coworkers with you so that everyone can be up to speed on the most recent developments affecting their job. In addition to state and federal legislative updates, the program will include a discussion on the recent developments in your industry.

As in the past, the schedule for each of these meetings is:

5:30 p.m. – Drinks
6:15 p.m. – Program
7 p.m. – Dinner

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The cost is $50 per person. Click here for a registration form or register online. Also, click here for a sponsorship form.

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OBA welcomes new strategic member

The OBA welcomes a new addition to its family of strategic members.

Curated Cyber

Curated Cyber provides vCISO (virtual chief information security officer) services, and specialize in community banking. We help bridge the gap between business, IT, compliance and governance.


Contact: Brandon Gettert
4402 Oldfield Drive
Arlington, TX 76016
Phone: (817) 999-6262
Email: brandon@curatedcyber.com
Website: www.curatedcyber.com

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Time to relive 1980s with OB80s convention!

Registration is now open for 2022 OBA Convention!

Do you have jams and day-glo shirts in your closet?

Do you long for the days of playing Space Invaders and Pac-Man at the local arcade?

Are Simple Minds and Thompson Twins blaring out of your car speakers?

Is watching Jake Ryan surprise Samantha in front of the church your idea of feel-good movie watching?

If any of the answers to the above questions were “yes” … and quite honestly, even if your answers were, “Huh?” we think the 2022 OBA Convention is for you!

The 2022 OBA Convention & Trade Show is set for May 18-20 at the Omni Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. This year’s theme is centered around that decade of decadence, the 1980s – hence our convention name of “The OB80s

Registration is NOW OPEN for the event, so it’s time to get yourself and your bank co-workers signed up for this year’s event.

While the final agenda and speaker list is being finalized, we can tell you this year’s Convention will feature an 1980s-themed exhibitor reception followed by a planned excursion to the Flashback Retropub to really revel in those 80s vibes!

Don’t wait! Get registered now: Click here to download the registration brochure … or contact the OBA education department at 405-424-5252.

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OBA education corner …

First things first: Have you registered for the OBA Convention yet? If not, check out the story right above this one. Once that’s done, then take a peek at the other upcoming educational opportunities we have planned for you!

  • Introduction to Conducting a Compliance Audit/Review for New Compliance Officers, May 3, webinar — This webinar will provide an overview of the tools and resources available for conducting a compliance review as well as areas to review and questions to ask.
  • Fair Lending, May 4, webinar — Fair Lending is one of those compliance topics that continues to be on examiners “hot” list. Illegal discrimination, whether intentional or not, is a big deal so we don’t anticipate any relaxation in this area any time soon.
  • Seven Habits of Effective Credit Administration, May 5, webinar — This course will address the factors you need to know to make a positive difference in the credit administration at your bank.
  • Bank Call Report Preparation for Beginners, May 5, webinar — The webinar series will generally cover the Call Report in schedule order, however, grouping certain schedules based upon reporting content will be woven into the curriculum.
  • Onboarding Your New Hire, May 6, webinar — What does onboarding look like in your organization? What do you want it to look like? Onboarding should not be an after thought as it is the new hires first impression of the company they are going to work for.
  • Loan Modifications: What are the Compliance Issues?, May 10, webinar — This webinar will deal with the ins and outs of making changes to loans of all types. We’ll discuss the compliance and legal requirements, operational challenges, and impacts to borrowers, guarantors and other parties to the loan.
  • The ABCs of ESG: A Primer for Bankers, May 10, webinar — During the webinar, participants will gain a basic understanding of ESG principles and practices and explore why banks are starting to integrate ESG into strategic priorities.
  • Notary Public, May 11, webinar — The webinar provides attendees with the dos and don’ts of being a notary public.
  • Reg E, May 11, webinar — In this session we will review the specific error resolution requirements of Reg E, discuss procedural best practices and provide tips on documenting your investigation.
  • ACH Basics and Refresher, May 13, webinar — Wondering what ACH really is and who all the participants are? We have the answer in this class.

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