Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of May 9

In This Issue…

Fed: Banking system remains strong

The banking system remained strong overall, with robust capital and liquidity and improved asset quality in the second half of 2021, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest supervision and regulation report released late last week.

The Fed said that risk monitoring will continue for potential effects of the pandemic and new geopolitical risks, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The banking industry ended 2021 with strong capital positions, the report noted. Since the pandemic began, the industry has added nearly $230 billion in additional common equity tier 1 capital, providing support for lending and a buffer against losses. Strong deposit growth has spurred the increase in liquid assets and allowed banks to reduce their reliance on more volatile forms of funding. Bank profitability declined in the last three quarters of 2021 but remains sound and comparable with pre-pandemic levels, the report said. The decline was due to reduced benefits from negative provision expense and lower trading income at large banks.

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OBA offering raffle for PGA Championship passes

The OBA was graciously given two seven-day passes to the upcoming PGA Championship in Tulsa from a banker in Washington.

We’ll take their generosity as an opportunity to raise awareness and funds for the OBA Foundation! The OBA Foundation is the main support for our Robbery Reward Program and the OBA Intern Program, and also assists other initiatives and programs. Starting today, for every $25 contributed to the Foundation, you will receive one entry into a single drawing for the two tickets.

The tickets are for Club 1916 | 13 Fairway at Southern Hills. Tickets are open to any OBA-member bank employee as well as OBA strategic member employees.

Below is the contact information for Niki Taylor in our office. Please call or email Niki and let her know how many entries you would like. You can give her a credit card or we can invoice you for the amount.

We will accept entries until 5 p.m. on Thursday, May 12. The winner will be selected on the following day and you can watch it live on the OBA’s Facebook page.

Thanks for supporting the foundation and good luck!!!!

Niki Taylor
(405) 424-5252


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Golfers needed!

The OBA Convention Golf Tournament is set for May 18 at The Golf Club of Edmond and we want YOU to participate!

Grab a partner, or sign up individually and we’ll get you teamed up. The deadline for registration is Thursday and you do not have to be registered for convention to play in the tournament.

Click here for registration info.

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OBA education corner …

First things first: Have you registered for the OBA Convention yet? If not, check out the featured story on the front page of OBA.com! Once that’s done, then take a peek at the other upcoming educational opportunities we have planned for you!

  • CRE Lending: Property Types, Lease Structures and Other Non-Financial Risks, May 18, webinar — As banks continue to deal directly with CRE loans as a major portion of their loan portfolios, plus indirectly through income-producing or rental real estate holdings that affect customers, it is important to “get beyond the numbers” and assess the qualitative or non-financial factors that influence CRE performance over time.
  • Payday Lending and Regulation OO 2022 Update, May 18, webinar — Most depository institutions do not originate large volumes of “covered loans.” For those with limited covered loans, it is reasonable to tweak the product line-up to avoid the massive new rules. How do you evade the requirements of a regulation that contains two separate requirements (Sections 1041.5(e) and .13) that prohibit evasion? That is one of the many questions answered in this program.
  • Alert! FDIC Rules Change for Trusts and Mortgage Servicing Accounts, May 19, webinar — The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is amending its regulations governing deposit insurance coverage.
  • Writing and Updating Your BSA Policy, May 20, webinar — It’s 2022 and may be time to update your policy and procedures for BSA. We introduced the fifth pillar and beneficial ownership in 2018. So where are you now? Do you need to add cannabis? Add the new CTR changes?
  • Loan Participations for Community Bank, May 23, webinar — Gain a thorough understanding of Participation Agreements.
  • Understanding Commercial Real Estate Loan Documents, May 24, webinar — Gain an understanding of all sections of required real estate loan documents.
  • 20 Legal Account Ownerships, May 25, webinar — This program is an A-Z on account ownership and documentation. We will go from single party accounts to the more complex type of business accounts. It is a must for anyone who opens or manages the new account functions.
  • CRA Nuts & Bolts – Five Steps to Pass the Exam, May 25, webinar — Writing a dynamic CRA context report can show examiners not only that your financial institution understands the community demonstrate why your CRA program qualifies for a “satisfactory” or possibly “outstanding” rating credit needs, but that you are effectively meeting the needs in the assessment areas you serve. We will review the steps required to establish your case and tips for managing the exam.

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