Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of May 23

In This Issue…

FDIC: Banking environment improved last year

The FDIC released its annual risk review late last week, and pointed out the banking environment improved in 2021 as the economy recovered from a period of economic hardship the year prior.

The agency noted financial market conditions “were generally supportive of the economy and banking industry” throughout 2021, though they began to deteriorate with the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Banks reported “substantially higher net income in 2021, primarily due to lower credit loss provisions,” the agency said, with banks reporting a significant 89.7% increase year-over-year. Meanwhile, net interest margin declined, despite a slight increase in net interest income and strong asset growth, the FDIC noted.

Click here to view the FDIC’s annual risk review.

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Did you miss our convention?

Did you miss our OBA Convention? Well, we certainly missed you! But, no worries, we have a couple of ways to catch you up on everything that happened!

First, check out our photo page from convention. We bet you see people you know, possibly wearing fashions you’ve forgotten!

Also, take a peek at our convention opening video. Girls just wanna have fun, and so does the OBA’s executive committee, evidently!

We hope those things gave you an idea of all that went on last week. Let’s not make it a habit of missing us during convention time, though!

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OBA education corner …

Wow, our convention is over, Memorial Day weekend is looming, it’s starting to feel like summer around here! During the summer, we slow our in-person events down significantly, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have anything going on! Check out the events below!

  • FFIEC Information Security Handbook Review, June 1, webinar — In September 2016, the FFIEC completely rewrote the Information Security Handbook. The Handbook represents an integration of concepts from Cybersecurity Guidance, Management Guidance, and other elements released in the past 10 years.
  • Loan Documentation for the Agricultural Lender, June 1, webinar — Learn about agricultural collateral, risk management, loan documentation, loan administration and loan monitoring.
  • TRID Hot Spots, June 2, webinar — This webinar will point out what examiners are looking for and will also bring your attention to areas that are notorious for errors. Consider this webinar your “cheat sheet” to get you on the right track BEFORE your next examination.
  • Bank Call Report Preparation for Beginners: 5-Part Series, June 2, webinar — The webinar series will generally cover the Call Report in schedule order, however, grouping certain schedules based upon reporting content will be woven into the curriculum.
  • How to Craft an Effective Commercial Loan Write-Up, June 6, webinar — This webinar will cover the basics of how to craft an effective commercial loan write-up.
  • SAR Line-by-Line, June 7, webinar — During the webinar you will review line-by-line the text fields and requirements to complete the SAR.
  • Current Matters and Common Questions Impacting the Call Report, June 8, webinar — The Call Report for 2022 is impacted by new and recent reporting requirements related to the adoption of the lease accounting standard, reporting brokered deposits, sweep accounts and international remittance transfers.
  • BSA: CIP and CDD, June 8, webinar — This program will look line-by-line at the regulation and point out avenues of change to explore in 2022.
  • Effective Documentation for Employment Issues, June 10, webinar — This program covers the fundamentals of documentation and positive principles which can lead to solving problems before they result in discipline or discharge. It provides the foundation for effectively approaching issues and then having a strong and valid defense for the actions you take.

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