Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of Aug. 15

In This Issue…

Be sure to return your bank’s Hall of Fame ballots

Your bank should have received – or will soon be receiving – its Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame ballots, which were mailed out last week. Please make sure your bank’s ballots are returned to the OBA by Aug. 26 so they can be tallied.

If you have any questions, contact Lea Ann Jackson at the OBA.

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Fed releases final guidelines for access to payments systems

The Federal Reserve today announced final guidelines it will use when evaluating requests for master accounts with the Fed or access to the agency’s financial services.

The finalized guidelines are substantially similar to those first proposed by the Fed in 2021, which came amid growing requests from fintech firms and entities with novel bank charters to gain access to the payments system.

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OBA Emerging Leaders Academy accepting applications

Take note the OBA 2022-23 Emerging Leaders Academy is currently accepting applications.

We’re looking for the best and brightest bankers who seek to sharpen their leadership skills. The Academy will help you reach new heights with powerful speakers offering information leaders need for effectively maneuvering in today’s business climate. Each session helps participants become true leaders by understanding those around you through non-traditional methods.

The OBA extends an invitation to any employee of a bank that is a member of the OBA to apply. A panel of bankers will review the applicants and choose those accepted into the Academy (maximum 30 bankers). Participants must attend all sessions to successfully graduate from the program.

There are six sessions to the Academy: Nov. 9, Dec. 8, Jan. 27, Feb. 22, March 24, April 28. Graduation will take place in May 2023 at the OBA Annual Convention.

Click here to apply! Also, for more information, please contact Megan McGuire at (405) 424-5252 or megan@oba.com.

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Endorsed Partner Office Depot rebrands as ODP Business Solutions

Office Depot recently rebranded as ODP Business Solutions to become a leading B2B solutions provider to small, medium and enterprise level companies.

With this transition, now is a good time to remind our members who may have been Office Depot customers prior that you are not automatically enrolled in our program, meaning, you are not receiving OBA’s contracted discounts and benefits.

Luckily, this problem is easy to solve. Simply complete and return this downloadable form and we’ll take it from there. The only change you should notice is a reduced monthly invoice (most banks on this program save at least 20%) and “Best Value” icons when shopping online, which designate when an item is part of OBA’s discounted core list.

Once your conversion request form is processed, you will receive an email from officedepot@e.business.officedepot.com asking you to click on an approval link. Once you approve the request, your account will have access to OBA’s contract pricing and benefits. Your account manager and account settings will not change.

Key benefits of OBA’s program include:

  • Bank-specific product list of over 1,300 steeply discounted, commonly-used items.
  • Customize your own list of up to 75 specially discounted items.
  • Tiered order-size discounts of up to an additional 1.5% off your order.
  • Free next-day shipping to most locations on orders over $50.
  • Contract discounts are available to bank employees for their personal purchases.
  • Dedicated account manager to help drive savings and compliance with quarterly business reviews.

We appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to delivering savings to your bank through this program. In addition to the benefits your bank receives, this program is included free with your OBA bank membership! Plus, additional savings coupons can be downloaded here!

Please contact Thi Pham (thi@oba.com) with any questions.

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OBA education corner …

In two weeks, college football starts! We’ll soon be enthralling ourselves  with the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat!

OK, agony of defeat is really why we all, watch, right? Avoiding our own and wishing it on our rivals? Relishing in a bit of schadenfreude in watching a team that isn’t your own lose in an embarrassing way, all the while thinking to yourself,”There, but for the grace of God, go I …”.

You know, surrender cobras all over the place … like this:

Nobody said college football was for the faint of heart!

Before we embrace the rivalries, feuds and fiestas of the season, now’s probably a good time to get your work schedule planned out, and working on continuing education with the OBA’s programs should be part of it!

  • Advanced Financial Statement Analysis, Aug. 22, webinar — Attend this proactive seminar and learn a comprehensive approach to financial statement analysis.
  • Five Best Practices for Reg E Disputes, Aug. 24, webinar — What will regulators find when they examine your financial institution for Reg E compliance with error resolution procedures? Do your employees know what is required?
  • Unclaimed Property Compliance for Financial Institutions, Aug. 24, webinar — This webinar will focus on the complex state unclaimed property reporting requirements and the unique challenges facing financial institutions.
  • FORVIS/OBA Banking Symposium, Aug. 30, Oklahoma City — This conference is a must attend for all directors, CEOs, CFOs and others in the banking industry who are impacted by economic, accounting, credit, legal, taxation, regulatory or other issues impacting the banking industry.
  • Check Fraud and SAR Filings, Aug. 30, webinar — Learn more about connecting the crime, the narrative and the suspicious activity boxes together.
  • IT Examination Review – FDIC & CSBS INTREx, Sept. 1, webinar — In this webinar we will do an overview of the INTREx work program including the IT Officer’s Questionnaire and changes to the rating system used. We will also highlight the INTREx program steps and sharing the potential “2021” exam focus areas to help you be better prepared for your examination.
  • Supervisor Bootcamp, Sept. 7, Tulsa — This session will teach how to manage crucial conversations and challenging situations. Attendees will practice a coaching approach that encourages your staff to be engaged and accountable.
  • 1099 Interst and CP2100s – When Names and TINs Don’t Match, Aug. 31, webinarGot a CP2100? Taxpayer identification numbers don’t match names? Learn what to do in this webinar.

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