Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of Feb. 21

In This Issue…

ABA launches website highlighting programs to improve capital access for underserved small businesses

The American Bankers Association today launched a new webpage providing information on special purpose credit programs and highlighting the role they can play in meeting the credit needs of economically disadvantaged small businesses.

In support of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s Project REACh, ABA is making this online resource available for banks and other stakeholders to increase awareness of these programs and share technical insights to support successful special purpose credit programs specifically designed for small businesses.

The webpage outlines how SPCPs work and features a checklist for banks to follow when developing a plan to offer these programs. It also showcases a case study of a bank that successfully launched an SPCP. To learn more about SPCPs and best practices for offering them, visit aba.com/SPCP.

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Send us your promotions, hires!

Each month, the Oklahoma Banker newspaper highlights recent promotions and hires from our member banks in the “Oklahoma Bankers” section.

Usually, we’re backlogged up to our ears in running these promotions and hires to the point they usually are two or three months – or even sometimes further – behind.

Currently, however, the steady flow has trickled and we’re pretty open at getting any newly submitted ones in relatively quickly. Take advantage of the lull and get your banks in as soon as possible! Send the info on your promotions and hires, along with a headshot photo, to jeremy@oba.com, and we’ll make sure they get queued to be published in the next available Oklahoma Banker newspaper!

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OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs ready for spring

The dates for the OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs have been finalized. Mark your calendar for the date of the program that’s in your area of the state and plan to attend. Bring your coworkers with you so that everyone can be up to speed on the most recent developments affecting their job. In addition to state and federal legislative updates, the program will include a discussion on the recent developments in your industry.

As in the past, the schedule for each of these meetings is:

5:30 p.m. – Drinks
6:15 p.m. – Program
7 p.m. – Dinner

PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. The cost is $50 per person. Click here for a registration form.

Locations and dates for this year’s events are:

  • Tulsa, March 27.
  • Oklahoma City, March 28.
  • Guymon, March 30.
  • Enid, April 6.
  • Krebs, April 10.

Click here to access sponsorship information. Please contact Thi Pham (thi@oba.com) for sponsorship questions.

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Participate in our director compensation survey

The OBA is partnering with Blanchard Consulting Group for the 2023 Director Compensation Survey, which is currently open for participation!

This survey only includes financial institutions and focuses on director compensation for 2022, including meeting fees, committee fees, retainers, equity, benefits and total director compensation.  The survey also includes an assessment of chairperson fees and has ten director compensation trends questions.  Data cuts will be broken out by asset size and/or region, where available.

Below is the pricing for the 2023 Director Compensation Survey results (survey findings will be provided via email in .pdf format):

  • OBA member bank — Survey participant: $250.
  • OBA member bank — Non-participant: $550.
  • OBA Strategic Member: $750.

To complete the survey, please click on the link below.  Download the excel file and email the completed survey to surveys@blanchardc.com

The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, Feb. 24.    

 Click here to download the 2023 Blanchard Director Compensation Survey

There is also a separate PDF file with instructions on how to complete each of the tabs. This is also included in the excel workbook.

Instructions Link

If you would like to pre-order your copy of the survey or if you have any questions, please contact Laura Roth at surveys@blanchardc.com or 612-850-0153 or contact thi@oba.com.

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OBA education corner …

The last spasms of winter are upon us – its the fun time of the year where you have to wake up and look at the weather app on your phone to see if its 30 degrees or 70 degrees outside. While you’re trying to decide whether to throw on that wool coat or a short-sleeved shirt, take a little time to prepare for upcoming continuing education opportunities available through the OBA:

  • New Supervisor Essentials, Feb. 27, webinar — What do you do when you were once a teammate and now you supervise the team? How do you juggle staffing, customer service, and pressing deadlines? Address your critical supervisory issues and become an extraordinary supervisor.
  • 2023 Branch Manager Workshop, March 1-2, Oklahoma City — This two-day workshop is packaged full of checklists, job aids, case studies, examples and “real world” situations.
    • Marketing & Advertising Compliance – three-part series, March 2, webinar — This webinar series covers the comprehensive landscape of marketing and advertising compliance requirements. In these webinars, we’ll provide many examples of how the rules apply as well as recommendations on how to deal with all the requirements.
  • CECL and the Call Report, March 7, webinar — This webinar will assist Call Report preparers, reviewers or auditors understand the various schedules and line items impacted by CECL reporting requirements.
  • All Things TRID, March 8, webinar — This webinar is intended to review and discuss many of the major issues lenders are facing with TRID, including the most recent updates and some continued, unresolved questions and how to deal with them.
  • 2023 IRA Beneficiary Designations and Payouts, March 9, webinar — As if IRA beneficiary payout options weren’t confusing enough, the last three years have brought turmoil to the IRA world with the IRS flip-flopping on how and when beneficiaries should take death distributions after the IRA owner dies.
  • How to Create an Engaged Workforce, March 13, webinar — What evidence do you have that your employees have a clear understanding of how their work aligns with your company goals and vision? Are they proud to be a member of your team, feel their skills and experience are fully utilized and have everything they need to be successful in their role.
  • HMDA Essentials, March 14, webinar — This two-hour webinar provides insight into the murky areas of HMDA which may result in the failure to report the appropriate loans on the LAR or errors in reported data fields.
  • Responsibilities of the Information Security Officer, March 14, webinar — This presentation is for those who are new to the role or have been the ISO for some time but want to review what is expected and how to be successful.
  • Opening Business Accounts, March 22, Oklahoma City — Participants gain confidence and a clear understanding of the regulatory, compliance, documentation and state law requirements for opening business accounts.

Also, the OBA is proud to promote the recognition of bankers who have devoted 50 or more years of service to the banking industry. All eligible nominees will be honored at the 2022 OBA Convention on May 18-20 at the Omni in Oklahoma City. Click here to download a nomination form. If you have any questions, please contact Janis Reeser at 405-424-5252 or janis@oba.com.

Additionally, the Oklahoma Bankers Association 2023 Senior Management Conference is scheduled for April 2-4 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. One of the key benefits in the conference will be talking with your peers. Attendees at the OBA 2022 Senior Management Conference will be surrounded by those with similar titles, similar workloads, similar problems and likely solutions to issues that can be just as similar. If you have any questions or want to get signed up, contact the OBA’s education department at 405-424-5252.

Finally, NOW is the time to get involved in your Association, and one good way to accomplish this is to join one of our committees! We are now taking names for those interested in our committees for the 2023-2024 year. By participating with the group three to four times a year, you learn more about your profession, meet other bankers, share ideas and become better at what you do.

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