Friday, March 14, 2025

Fraud information, odds and ends …

Labor Day is close at hand … however, let’s talk about a few fraud trends and some training opportunities because we all know fraudsters capitalize on long weekends.

Bankers are reporting seeing IRS and SSA wires, purportedly refunds and SSI payments, in large dollar amounts. Often starting as romance scams, these are being detected and returned by our savvy bankers. IRS has an External Leads Program for reporting and returns. Awareness of this trend is key in stopping this scam.

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On the training front, many of our bankers are scheduling their security training and requesting our OBA 2023 Zoom versions. A quick request to the OBA’s Elaine Dodd will get you the half-hour training that can be incorporated with your bank’s specific procedures.

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On the robbery front, we are still at just one for this year, and fingers are crossed that number remains at that impressively low level.

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The SW BSA and Financial Crimes conference, hosted by IAFCI and our federal law enforcement partners, will be held Monday, Oct. 16, once again at the Hard Rock in Tulsa. For a registration link and full details, email Elaine. It promises to be a great day of training, as always.

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Now, seriously: listen up. Our next Information Security MAFIA will be held at the OBA on Friday, Sept. 8. It is designed for critical networking between our bank operations and IT staff and our federal law enforcement partners. This is the meeting that requires a sign-up to the group and a signed NDA to encourage our bankers to freely discuss topics. Sign-up is through Cherry Wilson at The Bankers Bank. Our speaker will be ASAC Willie Wind, with the US Secret Service, who will share info on ATM jackpotting. Afterward, we will have the crucially important roundtable information sharing.

This has always been one of Elaine’s favorite meetings and she is excited to attend this one in person. Join us and keep this networking event strong.

See you next week!