Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of Oct. 2

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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The Annual Washington Visit took place with zero hitches! We were happy to swamp D.C. with more than 100 visitors in our group. A special thanks to Rep. Stephanie Bice, who took us on an after-hours tour of the Capitol, as well as getting us passes for the House gallery and the speaker’s balcony.

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Speaking of D.C., we welcome another “state” bankers association to our family this week! The Maryland Bankers Association and Virginia Bankers Association announced on Monday the formation of the D.C. Bankers Association for the Washington, D.C., banking community.

DCBA membership is open to all banks headquartered or operating in the district, as well as qualified financial services companies, including card payment networks and issuers and other relevant service providers. Eighteen companies have already joined as members.

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The less said about what happened in Lincoln, Nebraska, on Saturday, the better. Sometimes, you have to be like a pitcher who just gave up a big home run – no time to dwell on it, just move on.

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Results compiled from OBA’s recent FedNow survey

The results from the OBA’s FedNow survey, sent out to Oklahoma bank CEOs on Sept. 28, have been compiled. You can view them below:

Q1: Has your bank already signed up for FedNow?

Yes: 10 (14.3%)
No: 60 (85.7%)

(If “no” on Q1) Q2: Does your bank plan to sign up for FedNow before Dec. 31, 2023?

Yes: 10 (17.5%)
No: 47 (82.5%)

(If “yes” on Q1 and/or Q2) Q3: Do you send, or plan to send, through FedNow?

Yes: 10 (50%)
No: 10 (50%)

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Fed vice chair: Rates might be held restrictive for foreseeable future

The Federal Reserve must “proceed carefully” as it considers making monetary policy more restrictive to rein in inflation, with the question not being whether further rate hikes are needed this year, but how long it will need to hold rates at a sufficiently restrictive level to achieve its goals, Fed Vice Chairman of Supervision Michael Barr said Monday during a speech in New York City.

The Federal Open Markets Committee voted to hold the target range for the federal funds rate at 5.25% to 5.5% when committee members last met in September

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Bank Performance Report, pre-orders for 2024 holiday signs now available

The OBA has entered a co-branding agreement with Kentucky Bankers Association for a quarterly banking publication called Bank Performance Report. BPR currently has 350 bank subscribers from across the country. This report is in electronic and/or printed format utilizing data from the quarterly FFIEC Call Reports, from which the BPR ranks overall performance of each bank headquartered in that state. The overall performance ranking is based on each bank’s average ranking across eight different performance categories – net interest, non-interest income, non-interest expense, efficiency, NPAs/equity and reserve, asset quality index, return on assets and return on equity.

For more information on the BPR, or to subscribe, click here.

Additionally, the OBA is also taking pre-orders for our 2024 holiday closing signs. You can contact Thi Pham in our office in your interested!

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OBA education corner …

We’ve moved into the month of good beer and candy corn. Some of these things are more enjoyable than other. Still, whether you prefer a nice, malty beverage, or some terrible trash candy with an unearthly color, we’re not here to judge. As you are being scrutinized, take the time to prepare for upcoming continuing education opportunities available through the OBA:

  • Demystifying Trusts: A Guide to Establishing Deposit Accounts and Loans, Oct. 10, webinar — This webinar will provide attendees with information on doing business with trusts, including the best practices in establishing deposit account and loan relationships.
  • Current Matters and Common Questions Impacting the Call Report, Oct. 11, webinar — This webinar will bring participants current with regulatory and accounting changes that impact the Sept. 30, 2023, Call Report and provide answers to the most frequently asked questions during 2023.
  • Vendor Management – How Model Risk Fits In, Oct. 12, webinar — In this educational session, the presenter provides best practices based on the FFIEC IT Examination Handbook to help you develop a simple, yet comprehensive, vendor management program.
  • Real Estate Lending Compliance, Oct. 16-17, Oklahoma City — This two-day program provides an overview of the real estate lending requirements from ten regulations, along with comprehensive coverage of selected topics, policy suggestions, employee training tips, audit techniques and steps to eliminate past problems.
  • CRE Lending: Cash Flow Analysis & Cap Rates, Oct. 23, webinar — This program covers the key variables and concepts for determining commercial real estate cash flow and transaction-level stress-testing.
  • Opening Accounts for Non-Resident Aliens, Oct. 24, webinar — Opening these accounts and covering the required documentation and identification bases makes dealing with these accounts more challenging than ever.
  • Workplace Violence: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt  You, Oct. 25, webinar — We will discuss violence prevention, red flags, counseling and defusing, handling disciplinary actions and terminations, and policies and procedures for prevention and response.
  • Dealing With Insiders: Regulations O and W, Oct. 26, webinar — We’ll detail the many requirements of Regs. O and W and provide tips to assure effective compliance management practices.
  • Women In Banking Luncheon, Oct. 27, Oklahoma City — Gather with your fellow women bankers and listen to the OBA’s Elaine Dodd. As Elaine approaches retirement, take advantage of
    this opportunity to hear her insights and perspectives. She will provide helpful fraud and security updates along with some tips for personal security.
  • 2023 HR Fall seminar, Nov. 3, Oklahoma City — In this seminar we will discuss the latest in federal and state regulations including AI and how it is affecting businesses. We will have an open discussion session regarding compensation, retention, benefits, dress codes, recruiting and other hot topics in HR.
  • 2023 IRA Basic and Advanced Issues, Basics: Nov. 6-Oklahoma City, Nov. 8-Tulsa; Advanced: Nov. 7-Oklahoma City; Nov. 9-Tulsa — Thanks to a flurry of legislative and regulatory developments, IRA providers nationwide are fighting uphill battles as they strive to comply with numerous recent changes to the laws governing IRAs.

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