Saturday, March 29, 2025

Week of April 8

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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I’m in Las Vegas the first half of this week for our annual Senior Management Forum! We’ve already heard from impressive speakers, such as BOK’s Steve Wyett and FORVIS’ Angela Morelock. Today, among a bevy of other presenters, we start with The Bankers Bank’s Miles Pringle, who will talk to us about strategic planning for community banks.

If you haven’t attended our Senior Management Forum before, I guarantee you great take-home value from our always-impressive list of speakers! Ask me more about it next time we see each other and maybe we can get you prepped to join us next year!

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One of my favorite things to do each year is watch the candidates come in the state Capitol building and file for office. Candidate filing was last week and it didn’t disappoint. If you’re curious on who’s running for what, here’s a link to the federal, state, legislative candidate filing list and the county offices candidate list.

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Most of the men’s and women’s NCAA tournaments seemed a bit anticlimactic to me as Connecticut and South Carolina, respectively, sailed fairly easy through the brackets to claim the championships. I guess now we turn our eyes to the softball and baseball worlds, where things certainly got a bit interesting when the OU softball team dropped its first three-game series in more than a decade. Maybe there will be more unknowns in this year’s NCAA softball tournament than there were in the basketball tournaments!

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Better Together: OBA convention open for registration!

The Oklahoma Bankers Association and its member banks are better together … it’s become a mantra of sorts during Bryan Cain’s year as OBA chair, and it’s the focus of our annual convention this year! Nearly 200 banks and 20,000 bank employees ARE better together, and we’d sure like to a see a large representative portion of those at our annual convention on May 13-15!

This year’s convention has the theme “Better Together” and will be held at the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City. We hope as many banks and bankers prove our convention theme correct and join us this year!

Click here for more information and a registration form for the convention, as well as more information on the convention golf tournament. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the OBA for any additional information! We look forward to seeing all of you … TOGETHER!

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Select your OBA Emerging Leaders chair

The OBA has heard from bankers interested in serving as chair of the Emerging Leaders Division. This position is open to any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or had previously graduated from an OBA Leadership Academy.

The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work closely with OBA staff to continue to build and direct the OBA Emerging Leaders program. The chair will also serve as a member on the OBA Board of Directors. To learn more about the candidates, click the names below to read their bios and then cast your vote. Voting limited to OBA Emerging Leaders Division. 

All OBA Emerging Leaders are encouraged to learn more about the candidates and vote for the division chairperson. Click their individual names above or click here to access a document containing all bios. Click here to cast your vote. Voting will close Monday, April 15.

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FDIC releases new financial inclusion strategic plan

The FDIC has released an updated financial inclusion strategic plan that calls on the agency to take steps to encourage bank lending, investments and services that support healthy communities, including in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and other underserved communities, FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg said last week.
The FDIC first published a plan to guide its economic inclusion efforts in 2014. The plan was last updated five years ago. The 2024 update calls on the agency to help households achieve financial stability through the establishment of positive credit histories and the use of consumer credit from banks, along with insured savings accounts.

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OBA education corner …

Generation X hit a major milestone last week as we noted the 30th anniversary of the death of Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. Anyone who went to college in the 90s likely remembers when they heard the news. So, take a little time to enjoy some of the seminal grunge band’s greatest hits when you can. As always, also take a little the time to check out our upcoming continuing education opportunities!

  • 2024 BSA Fundamentals, April 16-Tulsa, April 17-Oklahoma City — This workshop will provide current, updated tools, techniques, and “real world” examples for learning the critical components of a BSA/ AML program.
  • ACH Basics for Operations Staff, April 18, webinar — Do you need help understanding the ACH Rule Book? If you are new to operations or just want to confirm you really understand ACH, this course is for you.
  • 2024 Rural Bankers/Ag Conference, April 18, Oklahoma City — Learn about the issues ag lenders currently and might face going forward.
  • Overdraft Requirements & Best Practices, April 23, webinar — This webinar will examine the regulatory requirements, guidance and examiner expectations related to overdrafts in plain English.
  • Controlling the Risks of Power of Attorney Documents, April 24, webinar — Are you ready to tackle the complexities of power of attorney documents with confidence? This session will equip you with the knowledge and insights to navigate even the most challenging situations with ease.
  • 2024 Spring Human Resources Seminar, April 25, Oklahoma City — In this seminar we will discuss the latest in federal and state regulations including AI and how it is affecting many HR processes.
  • Navigating the FedNow Rules and Regulatory Compliance Environment, April 25, webinar — The new world of instant payments is changing what your institution needs to do to stay in compliance. Led by the Payments Professor, this session is your compass for navigating the complex world of FedNow instant payments.
  • Onboarding Your New Hire – Experience or Afterthought?, April 26, webinar — Join us to learn how to raise the bar with new hire onboarding, and how to wow new hires with a genuine interest in their success with your institution.
  • Understanding and Using the Medallion Signature Guarantee Accurately, April 29, webinar — A medallion signature guarantee is a convenient stamp used when you transfer securities. But, this one little stamp represents important warranties made by your bank, and if not used properly can lead to significant losses.
  • W-9s, W-9BENs and IRS Mismatches, April 30, webinar — This program will focus on what U.S. financial institutions must do in the tax reporting and documentation process for FATCA.
  • Bi-Monthly Compliance Briefing, April 30, webinar — A bi-monthly update to help you keep up with changes and deadlines in the compliance area in a quick and easy format.
  • Loan Assistant and Loan Processors Workshop, April 30-Tulsa, May 1-Oklahoma City —  This workshop is designed to provide lending knowledge and administrative effectiveness of one of the most important positions in a community bank’s lending staff: the loan assistant/loan processor.

Also, NOW is the time to get involved in your Association, and one good way to accomplish this is to join one of our committees! We are now taking names for those interested in our committees for the 2023-2024 year. By participating with the group three to four times a year, you learn more about your profession, meet other bankers, share ideas and become better at what you do.

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