Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Week of May 6

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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Monday was an absolutely fascinating day at the state Capitol. Leaders of the House and Senate, as well as Gov. Stitt, met in an open meeting – which was also live-streamed – to work on the state’s budget. To say the least, things got interesting during the hours-long sit-down. I don’t have the space here in my part of the OBA Update to give a complete rundown, but I encourage you to read the full breakdown via NonDoc when you get a chance!

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In what I thought was a rather random move, a number of banking regulatory agencies on Monday reintroduced a 2016 proposed rule that establishes limits on incentive compensation at institutions with at least $1 billion in assets.

The proposed rule failed to advance eight years ago and it’s curious to see it pushed again. Needless to say, our friends at the American Bankers Association have serious thoughts about the proposed set of rules.

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Our last Bankers’ Night Out event of the year is set for Thursday in Guymon! It’s always a fun adventure to make the marathon one-day trip to Guymon and back. Our communications director, Jeremy Cowen, and I usually load up and head out in the early morning and make a few visits at banks along the way. On the way back, we manage to hit up the last Braum’s before they close for the night between the Panhandle and the OKC metro for giant milkshakes … a pick-me-up to help us through the the last few hours of the drive!

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We’re only a week out from the OBA convention! Have you registered yet?

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Another Meat Loaf-esque weekend has kept the Cornhuskers baseball team only a game back of Illinois in the top spot in the Big 10. With two weekends left, Nebraska has a real shot. The softball team, mirrored their baseball brethren by taking two of three from Minnesota over the weekend. It gives them a solid four seed in the upcoming Big 10 Tournament, and a chance to help their resume for making the NCAA Tournament.

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Agencies release third-party risk management guide for community banks

The Federal Reserve, FDIC and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency last week released a new guide to help community banks develop and manage third-party risk management practices.

Among other things, the guide states that engaging a third party does not diminish or remove a bank’s responsibility to operate in a safe and sound manner, or to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, just as if the bank were to perform the service or activity itself.

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Better Together: OBA convention open for registration!

The Oklahoma Bankers Association and its member banks are better together … it’s become a mantra of sorts during Bryan Cain’s year as OBA chair, and it’s the focus of our annual convention this year! Nearly 200 banks and 20,000 bank employees ARE better together, and we’d sure like to a see a large representative portion of those at our annual convention on May 13-15!

This year’s convention has the theme “Better Together” and will be held at the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City. We hope as many banks and bankers prove our convention theme correct and join us this year!

Click here for more information and a registration form for the convention, as well as more information on the convention golf tournament. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the OBA for any additional information! We look forward to seeing all of you … TOGETHER!

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Salary survey now open; welcome new strategic member, endorsed vendor

A few notes from the OBA Services Company:

First, the 2024 Salary & Cash Compensation Survey is now open for bank participation. This survey gathers salary and cash compensation (salary + annual cash incentive/bonus + commissions) for approximately 30 executive positions and over 150 middle management and staff level positions. Data cuts will be broken out by asset size and region when we have a large enough sample size so please participate for the best results! Please click on this link 2024 Salary and Cash Compensation Survey Link then download the file to complete the survey and then send to surveys@blanchardc.com by June 21.

Second, please welcome a new strategic member to the OBA family:

Bohon Roofing

Roofing construction services, facility maintenance construction and insurance claim management.

Contact: Heath Bohon
9213 S Sunnylane Rd
Moore, OK 73160
Phone: (405) 317-6340
Email: heath@bohonindustries.com
Website: www.bohonroofing.com

Finally, welcome our latest endorsed vendor:

Banc Card of America, Inc

Banc Card offers a partnership with community banks to assist their business customers with processing credit cards and other payment optimization. Banc Card of America provides a proactive merchant services partnership, and delivers the most sophisticated, secure and reliable systems for their customers. Banc Card is strategically aligned with the top three processors in the industry, assuring you of the best systems available. Banc Card partners with more than 600 financial institutions in 26 states.

Contact: David Miller
10280 Sand Plum Drive, N
Edmond, OK 73025
(888) 741-2262 x3113 CELL: (405) 439-0228
Email: dmiller@banccard.com
Website: www.banccard.com

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OBA TikTok Time …

Welcome to the continuation of our semi-regular feature in the OBA Update: OBA TikTok Time!

The OBA created a TikTok account to feature fun, entertaining little video segments that feature our bankers and those who work with them. No, you don’t have a TikTok account to view these short videos as you can navigate directly there just by using the link we provide here in the OBA Update. For those concerned about security via TikTok, you can also easily view the videos through our Instagram account.

We’ll feature our most recent TikToks each week in the TikTok Time of the OBA Update. For this week’s edition, we visited amongst the OBA staff and officers and asked them to “… cut a quick promo for the upcoming OBA Convention!

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OBA education corner …

Convention is looming, but don’t get tunnel vision – there’s plenty of other upcoming OBA education opportunities to keep an eye on! Take the following for example:

  • Update on Overdraft Services and Junk Fees, May 14, webinar — CFPB has been hot on the trail of junk fees – is your institution at risk? Join us as we look at supervisory guidance from the regulators and lessons learned on consent orders.
  • Onboarding to FedNow: A Guide for Financial Institutions, May 14, webinar — Dive into insights from Operating Circular 8, FedNow service operating procedures, and real-world experiences to learn about the FedNow onboarding process.
  • Safe Deposit Boxes: Don’t Set ‘Em and Forget ‘Em, May 16, webinar — Safe deposit boxes are an essential part of any financial institution, but did you know that neglecting their proper maintenance and security measures can lead to compliance and legal issues?
  • Opening Accounts for High-Risk Customers, May 21, webinar — In this webinar, we’ll look at what makes a customer or service high risk, and the extra due diligence required to protect your institution.
  • Anatomy of an Attack – Business Email Compromise, May 21, webinar — We’ll discuss how BEC can turn into full network compromise, and lessons you can leverage to prevent this attack from occurring in your institution.
  • Understanding the Role of the Notary Public, May 22, webinar — In this webinar, you’ll learn about notary public responsibilities and notarial acts, basic laws and liability.
  • Loan Participations: What You Should Know, May 22, webinar — Learn the basic requirements for successful loan participations or syndications.
  • 2024 Appraisal & Evaluation Compliance, May 30, Oklahoma City — This seminar lays the foundation for risk management and is important to anyone involved in the appraisal and/or evaluation function at a bank, whether they are actively ordering/managing/reviewing appraisals, performing/ordering evaluations or involved in real estate lending risk management.

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