Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Week of Nov. 4

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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I’m on the road today, out to visit banks! As of when writing this, I’m not sure exactly where I’m headed … guess I’ll just go wherever the wind blows, like tumblin’ tumbleweed … or something like that. Anyway, if you see a green Chevy Tahoe pull into your bank sometime today, I guess you’ll know where I ended up!

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This is it, the countdown has ended: get out and VOTE!

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Thanks to efforts by our own Sharon Lewis, and Elaine Dodd before her, we try to keep our bankers aware of possible scams and frauds popping up around the country. It’s for good reason, too, as the FTC recently gave its annual report to Congress that showed older Americans lost more than $1.9 billion – with a “b” – to fraudsters in 2023, and $158.3 billion by consumers of all ages.

Please, never take efforts by our fraud division for granted: It’s a no-cost benefit to your bank for simply being an OBA member.

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Well, the more things change, the more they stay the same. A month ago, I thought Nebraska notching the requisite six wins needed to make a bowl game was a given. Heck, at one point in September, I was thinking the ‘Huskers had an outside shot at the college football playoffs! Yet, just like the past few seasons, my Big Red enters November still short of those six wins, and the schedule is not exactly rosy going forward.

At least I have my OU and OSU friends to keep me company on what might be a quixotic bowl quest for us all!.

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ABA appeals Section 1071 ruling

The American Bankers Association and a group of trade associations appealed a recent Texas federal court decision holding that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Section 1071 final rule did not exceed the bureau’s authority or violate the APA. The associations also moved the Fifth Circuit for a stay pending appeal.

Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act amended the Equal Credit Opportunity Act to require financial institutions to collect and report thirteen data points to the CFPB regarding credit applications by women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses. Section 1071 also authorizes the CFPB to require additional data collection, but only if such data “would aid in fulfilling the purposes” of Section 1071.

ABA’s opening brief is due Dec. 3; CFPB’s response brief is due Jan. 6, 2025; and ABA’s reply brief is due Jan. 16, 2025.

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Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame class set for induction

The OBA is proud to announce the group of inductees for the Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame, with the ceremony set for Dec. 5 in Oklahoma City.

The Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame Luncheon & Induction Ceremony honoring the late Guy Berry III, Herschel Brewster, Brad Krieger and Gregg Vandaveer will recognize the sixth group to be inducted into the Hall of Fame, as voted on by a panel of their banking industry peers.

The ceremony will be held over lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Dec. 5 at the Oklahoma History Center, which is located at 800 Nazih Zuhdi Dr., in Oklahoma City.

If you are interested in attending the event, please RSVP by Nov. 30 to the OBA’s Joan Anderson ( at 405-424-5252. The cost for an individual seat is $75 and $700 for a table of 10.

Additionally, contact Thi Pham (405-424-5252, for sponsorship opportunities.

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OBA education corner …

Tonight, one of the most important and long-awaited things in this country will be unveiled, something that will cause pure anxiety and gnashing of teeth. Of course, we’re talking about how the first college football playoff rankings will be announced! Wait, is there something else going on? We kid, we kid, just a little election day humor! In between ALL of the excitement tonight, though, try to spare a little brainpower on upcoming continuing education opportunities for you and your staff!

  • Placing Reg CC Holds Confidently and Compliantly, Nov. 13, webinar — Funds availability limits established by Reg CC are changing effective July 1, 2025. Are your systems ready? Disclosures? Notices? Staff?
  • HR Fall Seminar, Nov. 14, Oklahoma City — In this seminar we will explore some of these changing ideas with hiring and retention, DEI, human resource technology, generational differences and more.
  • Workplace Violence: Prevention & Response, Nov. 14, webinar — Whether it’s angry customers, disgruntled coworkers or domestic violence that spills over into the workplace, we must be prepared to handle these volatile situations.
  • Writing Procedures for Business Accounts: CIP/CDD, Risk, TIN Reporting, Nov. 19, webinar — During this session, we will take the core document from deposit/share accounts handbook and set up a working document so that you can tailor your procedures into the framework we will provide.
  • Responsibilities of the Information Security Officer, Nov. 19, webinar — This presentation is for those who are new to the ISO (or similar) role or have been the ISO for some time but want to review what is expected and how to be successful.
  • Top Compliance Issues with Flood Programs, Nov. 20, webinar — This session explains in detail the most common pitfalls and challenges related to flood insurance.

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