Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Week of Dec. 9

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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The Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame induction ceremony was held last week, and we – again – had a full house at the Oklahoma History Center to celebrate the honorees. You can refer to the story below in this issue of the OBA Update for more information, but I fan-boyed at the opportunity to help induct the quartet in the Hall.

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Last week, a federal judge in Texas issued a preliminary injunction to block enforcement of the requirement for businesses to report their beneficial owners to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. It’s important news for a lot of our banks and their customers. You can read more via our OK Banker Direct on Dec. 3.

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Nebraska finally makes a bowl game, and now we’re going to play the darned thing on a baseball field … go figure. Actually, I honestly am excited as the Pinstripe Bowl, played within the confines of Yankee Stadium in New York City, is one of the more unique settings for college football. While actually MAKING a bowl game is usually more dramatic and fun than GOING to the game, watching the Big Red play in the Bronx does makes things cooler.

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ABA members find Fed discount window ‘inefficient’

American Bankers Association members believe that the Federal Reserve’s discount window processes and operations are opaque, awkward and inefficient, and they have several suggestions for how to improve the service, ABA said Monday in a letter to the Fed.

In September, the Fed issued a request for information about the operational practices of the discount window, which provides short-term credit to banks and credit unions. In its comments, ABA noted that it consulted the breadth of its membership to formulate a response. The association’s members were mostly unhappy with the discount window, citing technology that significantly lags behind what is considered standard for 2024, an inability to easily transfer collateral, a seeming lack of meaningful coordination between the supervisory and discount window lending functions, and inconsistencies among Fed banks and with private sector practices.

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Four bankers make up 2024 class for Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame

The Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame inducted its 2024 class – its sixth – last week at the Oklahoma History Center in Oklahoma City. The late Guy Berry III, with American Heritage Bank, in Sapulpa; Herschel Brewster, with Blue Sky Bank, in Weatherford; Brad Krieger, with Arvest Bank; and Gregg Vandaveer, with Sooner State Bank, Tuttle; make up the 2024 group.

The ceremony was hosted by the Oklahoma Bankers Association’s immediate past chair, Bryan Cain, who is also president and CEO of Sovereign Bank, in Shawnee. OBA President and CEO Adrian Beverage introduced each inductee.

You can read more about each inductee on the OBA website.

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OBA TikTok Time …

Welcome to the continuation of our semi-regular feature in the OBA Update: OBA TikTok Time!

The OBA created a TikTok account to feature fun, entertaining little video segments that feature our bankers and those who work with them. No, a TikTok account is not required to view these short videos as you can navigate directly there just by using the link we provide here in the OBA Update. For those concerned about security via TikTok, you can also easily view the videos through our Instagram account.

We’ll feature our most recent TikToks each week in the TikTok Time of the OBA Update. For this edition, we visited the Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and in the spirit of celebrating those who helped blaze a trail before us, asked some attendees “Who was your biggest influence or mentor in the banking world … and why?

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OBA education corner …

Well, it’s another long December, and there’s reason to believe that maybe this year will be better than the last. No, we’re not being morose over here at the OBA, we’re just enjoying one of the best songs ever written about the 12th month of the year! Counting Crows’ 1996 hit, “A Long December” always gets stuck in our heads this time of year, especially when the weather is a bit gray, as its been the past few days. So, hey, it’s just one more day up in the canyons and one more night in Hollywood, but take one of those days or evenings to look up the schedule of upcoming continuing education opportunities for you and your staff!

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