Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Week of Feb. 10

In This Issue…

From Adrian’s desk …

By Adrian Beverage
OBA President & CEO

Just some random tidbits that might be of interest to our bankers this week!

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It’s been a busy past few days at the federal level. The president pretty much put a halt to all CFPB activities (you can read more below in today’s Update) and also ordered the Treasury Department to stop production of the penny. Regardless of which side of the political aisle you might reside, you gotta admit, things are interesting!

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In Oklahoma City, we’re still trying to whittle down the HUNDREDS of bills filed for this session. We knew there were going to be a lot with so many new legislators at the state Capitol. We’ll really be able to get our arms around things once we reach the first legislative deadline and several of the bills simply whither away.

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Whatever I did right the week before, worked again last week! My Cornhuskers posted another 2-0 week in men’s basketball, with wins over Washington and Ohio State. An NCAA berth is within reach, I just gotta stay focused … on whatever the heck I’ve been doing, but just need to keep doing!

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Funding to CFPB halts, future in question

The new acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has told the Federal Reserve to halt funding for the bureau and ordered staff to pause all activities.

The announcement came after Elon Musk on X suggested the CFPB would be eliminated.

The CFPB is unique among federal agencies in that its funding comes directly from the Fed based on a request from the bureau’s director. Russ Vought, the recently confirmed director of the Office of Management and Budget, is currently acting CFPB director, assuming the acting position Friday from Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent, according to news reports. On Saturday, Vought announced on X (formerly known as Twitter) that he informed the Fed that CFPB will not be taking its next draw of funding because it is not “reasonably necessary” to carry out its duties.

NBC News reported that Vought sent a memo to CFPB employees ordering them to suspend all supervision, investigations and enforcement actions. The directive came only two days after Musk, who is leading the Trump administration’s effort to trim federal spending, posted on X, “CFPB RIP.” Musk previously pledged to “delete” the bureau.

A Wall Street Journal report (subscription required) indicated that the bureau’s staff has been informed that its Washington, D.C., headquarters will be closed this week.

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OBA, ABA to host webinar this week on credit card program

Community banks understand the importance of having a payments relationship with their customers, but many banks do not have the staff, resources or appetite for risk to profitably manage a credit card portfolio.

Recognizing the challenges community banks face in issuing and managing credit cards, the OBA and ABA have endorsed the agent credit card program of ServisFirst Bank. By partnering with ServisFirst, community banks gain a service-minded, innovative ally in credit card issuing that provides a fully transparent revenue share, detailed management reporting and a fully-branded, top-of-wallet credit card for consumer and commercial customers.

Join OBA Chair Alicia Wade, OBA Vendor Relations Thi Pham, ABA VP Partner Network Craig Driver and ServisFirst SVP Credit Cards Karen Grahn during a free webinar at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 13, to learn more about this program.

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Bankers at state Capitol: Register for OBA’s 2025 Contact Banker Program

We have set the dates for the 2025 Contact Banker Program: March 11, March 25, April 15 and April 29.

  • 9 a.m. — Briefing at Capitol.
  • Noon — Depart Capitol for lunch.
  • 1:30 p.m. — Adjourn.

On the date you select, there will be a short briefing before we start walking the halls of the Capitol. Please know, we will stay together as a group the entire morning. We will do our best to have you spend a few minutes with both your state senator and state representative to either start a new relationship or strengthen one that is already in place. We won’t ask you to discuss current legislation. We want you to just chat with your member about issues facing your community or other pressing matters. Depending on what week you select, we will either sit in on a committee meeting or in the gallery to watch the action on the floor. Once we have finished all of our business at the Capitol, the OBA government relations team will take everyone to lunch to discuss the events of the morning.

Everyone at the Capitol knows bankers are involved in the political process and watching how they vote. All of that success is because of the Contact Banker Program. This program is meant for all employees at the bank. There is no cost to attend other than your time. 

Please register online. Click the date below that works best for you to register online.

When you register, you will be asked two questions:

  1. Who is your State Senator?
  2. Who is your State Representative?

Not sure who is your senator or representative? Click this find your legislators link and enter your HOME ADDRESS (home address, not bank address).

Questions? Please contact Megan McGuire ( / 405-424-5252).

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OBA TikTok Time …

Welcome to the continuation of our semi-regular feature in the OBA Update: OBA TikTok Time!

The OBA created a TikTok account to feature fun, entertaining little video segments that feature our bankers and those who work with them. No, a TikTok account is not required to view these short videos as you can navigate directly there just by using the link we provide here in the OBA Update. For those concerned about security via TikTok, you can also easily view the videos through our Instagram account.

We’ll feature our most recent TikToks each week in the TikTok Time of the OBA Update. For this edition, we visited with members of the OBA’s Government Relations Council and asked what the favorite gift was they received over the holiday season … and if you watch until the end, you might see a special appearance by our own president and CEO!

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OBA education corner …

It was 90s time at the OBA last week, as we dove deep into the Goo Goo Dolls, Matchbox Twenty and even a smidgen of Alanis Morissette! What a decade for music! While digging out your flannel and tapered jeans from your closet, don’t forget to take part in some upcoming continuing education opportunities for you and your staff in 2025!

  • 2025 TRID Essentials, Feb. 19, Oklahoma City — This seminar examines the intricacies of the TRID rules and highlights various tripwires to avoid at your institution.
  • 2025 Flood Insurance Essentials, Feb. 20, Oklahoma City — Join us in breaking down the broad range of technical flood insurance topics, including the escrow of flood insurance premiums, the detached structure exemption to the flood insurance purchase requirement, force placement procedures and private flood insurance.
  • Women in Banking Luncheon, Feb. 21-Oklahoma City; Feb. 28-Tulsa — Grounded in practical insights and real-world success, these sessions share strategies for fostering a collaborative culture where women leaders support and amplify each other.
  • Call Report Seminar, Feb. 25, Oklahoma City — The presentation will guide call report preparers through the practical application of the complicated instructions and provide clarity to common reporting challenges.
  • A.I. 101: What You Need To Know About A.I. And Banking Today, Feb. 27, webinar — The use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) over the next few years is poised to revolutionize not only our society as a whole, but the banking industry in particular.
  • 2025 Retail Management Workshop, March 11-12, Oklahoma City — This two-day, interactive, workshop is designed to provide a complete overview of management and leadership principles for retail managers serving in all roles of the retail banking line of business for the bank.
  • 2025 OBA Senior Management Forum, April 6-8, Indian Wells, California — One of the key benefits in the conference will be talking with your peers. Attendees at the OBA 2025 Senior Management Conference will be surrounded by those with similar titles, similar workloads, similar problems and likely solutions to issues that can be just as similar. If you have any questions or want to get signed up, contact the OBA’s education department at 405-424-5252.

Finally, several scholarships are now available to bankers from OBA-member banks for various graduate schools of banking. Applications (other than for GSB-Colorado) should be submitted to the OBA’s Janis Reeser by email (, regular mail (643 N.E. 41st St., OKC, 73105) or fax (405-424-4518).

Click on the links below for more specific information about each scholarship:

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