Monday, March 31, 2025

Resources, tools, info on latest frauds affecting Oklahoma

Our federal law enforcement partners have been working overtime to try to help banks stay ahead of the challenges encountered with both cyber-criminals and bad actors that impact bank ATMs in multiple ways.

Law enforcement partners and our statewide MAFIA groups have shared multiple resources and tools, which we are including in this Fraud Alert.

Let’s get started!

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Bankers across Oklahoma continue to see fraudulent documentation purported to be interim Oklahoma driver’s licenses. Thanks to the Cherokee Nation, we are able to provide a sample of what these should look like, as well as some examples of bogus documents. Having these as a tool for your front-line personnel will be a valuable aid in detection.

  • Click here to view samples of the bogus interim driver’s license.
  • Click here to view a sample of how an ACTUAL interim driver’s license should appear.

Our bank robbery coordinator at the FBI, Terry Weber, shared a release (.pdf) in regards to the hook-and-chain ATM issues our bankers have experienced. The OBA is developing wording for the next legislative session similar to what was recently passed in Texas, where we will address the ATM theft and destruction, as well as the rise in skimming cases. The state legislative effort will be led by the OBA’s Megan McGuire as she assumes her additional role as our state government relations point person, and she will appreciate and solicit your input ongoing.

In the past, ATM losses did not come under the purview of the FBI, but its investigators now look at these on a case-to-case basis and works them when they can. The ongoing McGirt-related cases have been a tremendous pull on manpower, but they are addressing these cases as much as possible.

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Additional guidance (.pdf) on “business email compromise” and a lengthier white paper (.pdf) are now available for download. Additionally, a new ransomware resource details the site,, which consolidates ransomware resources from all federal government agencies.

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IC3 (Internet Crime Complaint Center, a unit supported by the FBI) is now warning the “grandparent scam” has morphed and cases are being seen where couriers are actually in the United States and appear in-person to collect the funds. They pretend to be attorneys or bail bondsmen for the relative claimed to be in jail.

This is a substantial difference as your customer has face-to-face interaction with the criminals, where, before, the fraudsters were not on site. We recently saw a similar case in the Edmond area, and the upside is there now exists a potential for an arrest.

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This all brings us to a friendly reminder to support your local MAFIA networking meetings. We are including a list of meetings and locations below. The IS (Info Security) MAFIA also meets quarterly, and unlike the others, requires a sign-up and signed NDA.

This group is more IT-oriented and the contact person is Jeff Story, with The Bankers Bank.

Networking is critical for our industry, and you will also find it’s one of the more fulfilling and fun parts of the job!

Muskogee Mafia Meetings (Virtual)
2nd Thursday of the Month
10 a.m.
Contact: April Alley, Cherokee Nation Entertainment

Tulsa Mafia Meetings 
3rd Wednesday of the Month
9:30 a.m.
Mingo Valley Police Station
10122 E 11st, Tulsa OK 74128

Oklahoma City Mafia Meetings
2nd Wednesday of the Month
9:30 a.m.
India Shrine Center
3601 NW 36th St, OKC 73112
Contact: Sharon Lewis, BancFirst

Durant Mafia
Aug. 19
9:30 a.m.
3104 Carl Albert Dr.
Durant, OK 74701
Contact: Alli Townsend, First United

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Now, after you have read and taken advantage of all these amazing resources, a note on the humorous side. Our friend, Brian Krebs ( was recently notified Google maps shows a school in Tulsa renamed for him, likely the old Edison High School. He thought it was a Google hacker and had to confirm for him they do love him in Tulsa, but probably, sadly, no school was named in his honor.

If you have any questions or suggestions on any of the above, you can always contact Elaine Dodd at