OBASCO Catalog

The OBA is committed to providing the quality products and services bankers need most. We offer two convenient ways to order:

  1. ORDER ONLINE – Browse our online catalog and order directly through our secure site.
  2. Secure Email – Fill out the order form of product and email to secure@oba.com

Check out this video from one of our endorsed vendors, ODP Business Solutions (Office Depot):

OBASCO Products

  • Holiday Closing Signs
    Plan today! These eye-catching signs will let customers know when your bank will be closed for Federal Reserve holidays. NEW options to pick from!
  • Legal Updates
    Timely information about critical issues facing the banking industry, written monthly by your OBA Legal team.
  • No Hats, No Hoods, No Sunglasses Signs
    A simple method of keeping customers identifiable and reduce the possibility of crime.
  • No Weapons Window Clings
    A new law allows licensed Oklahomans to carry unconcealed handguns. The Oklahoma Self-Defense Act also allows banks and other entities to ban weapons on their premises. The OBA has developed these window clings for banks to display at all entrances to the bank.
  • Nothing’s Safer Than Money In The Bank
    Why not remind your customers every time they enter your bank about with a friendly sign at every teller’s window, every employee wearing a button or statement stuffers that say, “Nothing’s Safer Than Money In The Bank.”
  • The Oklahoma Banker Newspaper
    Oklahoma Banker keeps you on top of what’s happening in Oklahoma’s ever-changing banking industry.
  • 2023 Banking Code Order Form. This annually revised desktop reference is a must for every bank, attorney and CPA.
  • Record Retention Quick Notes –This unique digital Record Retention Quick Notes© Sixth Edition is designed to be a quick and easy-to-use reference on the most common types of records that banks encounter.