Monday, March 10, 2025

Advertising Opportunities

Want to reach 98 percent of Oklahoma’s banks with a single ad placement? OBA is the only organization that can bring your message into nearly every bank in the state. We have several options for you to reach our members.

  1. Oklahoma Banker – monthly newspaper
  2. – website
  3. OBA Update – weekly e-newsletter

1. Oklahoma Banker

Rate Sheet
Oklahoma Banker reaches more than 98 percent of Oklahoma’s banks, providing timely information about regulatory and legislative developments as well as news about Oklahoma’s banks and bankers, technology and industry trends, training and education, Oklahoma Bankers Association activities and many other topics.

With a circulation of approximately 2,000, more than 8,000 people read or scan the Oklahoma Banker each month. Subscribers include almost every bank in the state (and issues are circulated among departments within these institutions), bank service companies, attorneys, accountants, securities and investment firms, mortgage and insurance companies, schools and libraries.

  • 80 percent of surveyed readers read all or most of the publication every month.
  • 94 percent rate the newspaper as their primary source of information about the banking industry.
  • 97 percent rate the newspaper as an accurate source of information.
  • 90 percent share their newspaper with two or more individuals in the bank.
  • 35 percent have contacted an advertiser after seeing an ad in the Oklahoma Banker. The top vendors/services they contacted were: graduate schools, computer services, correspondent banks, accounting firms, insurance companies, legal services, consultants and financial institutions.

2. Advertising on

Ads on our website reach an extremely targeted niche audience of banking professionals across the state of Oklahoma. Bankers come to us seeking news and information and use us as a resource to find products and services providers they trust. Your ad will be seen by thousands of banking professionals each month.

The OBA website receives between 20,000 and 30,000 page views each month.

Ads may be submitted on disk or via email. Advertisers should also include the URL to which their ad should link.


Ads will be posted on the 1st of each month. Ads must be received by the OBA on the 15th of the month prior to allow for timely review and processing.

Minimum Run

Please note that there is a minimum run of three months. Frequency rates are available for six- and 12-month contracts.


Because of a limited availability of positions, all space will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment terms are net 30 days. Rates, position availability and production charges are subject to change without notice.

Advertising design is available at a rate of $75/hour.

3. OBA Email Update Sponsorship

The OBA sends a monthly email news update to 3,000+ members. A sentence of up to 30 words will appear prominently at the top of the update and can include a link to your company’s website.

Sponsor of OBA Email Update: $200 per month.


We offer the following discounts for advertising in Oklahoma Banker, OBA Update or

  • 6-month contract 5%
  • 12-month contract 10%
  • Member discount (taken after other discounts) 15%

Ad design

The OBA offers design services at $75/hour.