Saturday, August 31, 2024

Hannah Lisenbee

Participate in our director compensation survey

The OBA is partnering with Blanchard Consulting Group for the 2023 Director CompensationSurvey, which is currently open for participation! This survey only includes financial institutions and focuses on director compensation for 2022, including meeting fees, committee fees, retainers, equity, benefits and total director compensation.  The survey also includes an assessment of chairperson fees and has ten director compensation trends questions.  Data …

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Federal Housing Finance Agency issues advisory on mortgage servicing rights

The Federal Housing Finance Agency last week released an advisory on the valuation of mortgage servicing rights for managing counterparty credit risk. The notice is intended to communicate FHFA’s supervisory expectations for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “to establish and implement risk management policies and procedures for monitoring and valuing seller/servicers’ mortgage servicing rights.” This bulletin only applies to MSRs …

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