Saturday, July 27, 2024

Megan McGuire

Senate clears $320B in additional funding for Paycheck Protection Program

U.S. Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

Breaking news from the ABA: After bipartisan negotiations, the Senate this afternoon unanimously passed legislation to provide more than $320 billion in new funding for the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program. The House must now approve the bill, which it is expected to do in a floor vote later this week. Of the more than $320 billion appropriated for …

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Call Congress now; urge additional PPP funding

As you know, the SBA today officially announced that it has exhausted its $349 billion in Paycheck Protection Program funding. Since Oklahoma bankers know better than most how critically important it is for Congress to authorize additional funds for this program, we urge you to make a direct appeal to congressional leadership. Senate Majority Leader McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Schumer, …

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PPP funds depleted; talking points for bankers to customers

As of the morning of April 16, the funds for the Paycheck Protection Program have been depleted. While we expect Congress to appropriate more funds for the PPP soon, in the meantime the Small Business Administration and Treasury Department will not be processing any more loan requests through the PPP. “There is currently a bill being discussed in congress that …

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SBA to stop accepting PPP applications once $349B limit reached

Breaking news from the ABA: The Small Business Administration will stop accepting applications for Paycheck Protection Program loans once the processed loan volume reaches the $349 billion level authorized by the CARES Act, the SBA said in a communication to stakeholders tonight. Once that point is reached “in the near future,” SBA said, “lenders will no longer be able to …

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SBA guidance on PPP loans for self-employed, independent contractors

Agency also clarifies bank director, shareholder eligibility for PPP loans‌ Breaking news from the ABA: With independent contractors and the self-employed now applying for Paycheck Protection Program loans, the Small Business Administration today issued an interim final rule clarifying eligibility and application processes for these individuals. The rule clarifies that self-employed individuals who filed Schedule C with their federal income …

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SBA, Treasury Provide Guidance on Final Authorization of PPP Loans

Breaking news from the ABA: The Small Business Administration and the Treasury Department last night updated their Paycheck Protection Program FAQ document to address a question many lenders faced related to closing loans. SBA and Treasury clarified that lenders do not need a separate SBA authorization document prior to issuing a PPP loan. ‌Instead, lenders must have executed SBA Form …

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Guidance released on PPP loans to bank directors

The following question was asked: Please provide guidance on how to proceed with directors of banks receiving PPP loans under Reg O. Here is the response from the SBA: 13 CFR 120.110(a)(15) (currently 120.110(0)) – prohibiting loans to businesses in which the Lender or CDC, or any of its Associates owns an equity interest. The business is eligible but it …

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Guidance released on PPP loans to bank directors

The following question was asked: Please provide guidance on how to proceed with directors of banks receiving PPP loans under Reg O. Here is the response from the SBA: 13 CFR 120.110(a)(15) (currently 120.110(0)) – prohibiting loans to businesses in which the Lender or CDC, or any of its Associates owns an equity interest. The business is eligible but it …

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2020 OBA Convention postponed

The 2020 OBA Convention planned for May 18-20, 2020 has been postponed in order to protect the health and well-being of our attendees and speakers. We are working our hardest to reschedule the event and updates will be provided as they become available. Thank you for your understanding and please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.

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SBA code for Oklahoma district office is 0680

Many bankers have asked where they can find their SBA Code/Authorization code. The SBA has just confirmed that the “Authorization Code” is the local SBA District Office Code. The SBA Office Code for the Oklahoma District Office is 0680.

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