Sunday, September 1, 2024

Legal Briefs

July 2019 OBA Legal Briefs

How to Write Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) EGRRCPA Status Update (Part 1) How to Write Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) By Roy L. Adams Introduction. Hello, readers! I am a second-year law student at Oklahoma City University School of Law, and a legal intern working for your OBA’s Legal and Compliance Team. Just based on that sparse information, you are probably …

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June 2019 OBA Legal Briefs

FDCPA New stuff! Changes in UCCC amounts effective 7/1/19 CFPB’s Spring 2019 Regulatory Agenda FDCPA By Andy Zavoina The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a new hot topic. I’ve already heard you thinking. “but that affects third party collectors and I’m collecting only debts owed to us, so it doesn’t apply.” But that may not be the case …

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May 2019 Legal Briefs

What to say and not say Dead beneficiaries Dead joint tenants Funds belong to an estate Watch your fees What to say or not say By Mary Beth Guard Last summer, while on a trip to Indiana, I got an “urgent” call forwarded from my home phone to my cell phone from a large money center bank that we had …

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April 2019 OBA Legal Briefs

Complaints MLA SNAFU Convenience fees on loan payments Complaints By Andy Zavoina “We just don’t get complaints, we pride ourselves on customer service.” That may be true at some bank, perhaps one with a unicorn as a mascot, but I’ll wager most banks have customers who are unhappy about NSF and other account fees, being denied a loan, or a …

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March 2019 OBA Legal Briefs

HMDA Reference Chart Flood Update HMDA Reference Chart by Andy Zavoina If your bank is a HMDA bank, congratulations, you’re a survivor and the 2018 Loan Application Register (LAR) is put to bed. I won’t mention that a first quarter review for 2019 is due in just a few weeks. In a helpful way, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) …

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February 2019 OBA Legal Briefs

TILA-RESPA FAQs Service member complaints Authorized signers 2nd Amendment Auditors TILA-RESPA FAQs By Andy Zavoina In early February 2019 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) released four Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to integrated disclosures under Truth in Lending and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (TILA-RESPA or TRID). It starts with the standard disclosure that there is no substitute for …

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January 2019 OBA Legal Briefs

New year, new SAR Required year-end housekeeping FEMA NFIP snafu Residential appraisal threshold unchanged (yet) New year, new SAR By Andy Zavoina This time of the year many bankers are providing staff, management and their boards some annual updates and training. This may include security, Bank Secrecy Act and compliance topics. With recent events, one possible addition to what you …

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December 2018 OBA Legal Briefs

IOLTA accounts SCRA – What not to do Privacy – Reg. P update Notes on beneficial ownership IOLTA accounts By Pauli Loeffler Since July 1, 2004, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has required all attorneys and law firms in Oklahoma to set up mandatory Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTAs) with interest payable to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation, with a few …

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November 2018 OBA Legal Briefs

Revocable trusts deposit insurance Complaints update The loan estimate and “no cost” loans Revocable trusts deposit insurance By Pauli Loeffler A bit over a decade ago, the FDIC made changes to its deposit insurance coverage for trusts. Charles Cheatham wrote about the changes for the October 2008 OBA Legal Briefs, and there have really been no changes since then. However, …

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October 2018 OBA Legal Briefs

UTMA accounts Loans to minors SCRA update FCRA credit freeze update UTMA accounts By Pauli Loeffler In the September 2018 OBA Legal Briefs, I wrote about deposit accounts that can be opened for a minor as owner or co-owner. This month, we look at the other important account offering for minors, accounts opened under the Oklahoma Uniform Transfer to Minors …

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