Sunday, September 1, 2024


August 2014 Legal Briefs

Bureau issues overdrafts reports FDIC: You misunderstood what we said When your OFAC tools aren’t working What’s up with those old Fed regulations Marriage equals marriage HELOC guidance Speaking of risk management Social media checkup 4.1M CMP for deceptive practices Apps from new parents ITIN experiations ATR interpretive rule SAR stats & other BSA matters Watch those cards! HMDA reg proposal SCRA

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July 2014 Legal Briefs

Cooked books put bank in hot water RESPA penalties get personal FDIC hits Missouri bank with RESPA violations Regulators tout inprovements More call report changes coming Guides for assisted living and nursing home staff Current account takeover cases — lessons learned Section 3-508A amended But is the U3C applicable?

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April 2014 Legal Briefs

No guns? CFPB reports on service members complaints FRB debit card interchange fee upheld Regulation E slips earn another bank a penalty

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February 2014 Legal Briefs

Lessons from the Chase ‘Madoff penalties’ FDIC tech assistance video series Bureau is looking for mortgage ‘pain points’ Revised consumer booklets Still handling paper items? Cross-Collateralization Garnishments — When all funds are protected Record retention — Part 1

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December 2013 Legal Briefs

Dodd-Frank readiness Integrated mortgage disclosures finalized FinCEN definitions changes CFPB regulatory agenda Exemption thresholds creep upward

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