Saturday, July 27, 2024


March 2005 Legal Briefs

Banking Agencies’ Joint Guidance on Overdraft Protection 1.  Background 2.  Safety and Soundness     a. Account-Approval Standards         b. Ongoing Monitoring     c. Delinquencies and Charge-offs        d. Call Report Treatment     e. Vendors     3.  Legal Risks     a. FTC Act/Advertising       b. TILA/Reg Z        c. Equal Credit       d. Truth in Savings   …

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February 2005 Legal Briefs

Explanation of Health Savings Accounts Background What is an HDHP? What’s the Advantage of an HDHP? What Are the Tax Advantages of an HSA? Establishing HSA’s at a Bank Special Limitations on HSA Contributions     Qualifying Medical Expenses

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January 2005 Legal Briefs

Guidelines on Security & Disposal of “Consumer Information” Broadened Emphasis What Information? Changes in Procedures and Contracts? Where to Find the New Provisions. Some Information-Protection and Information-Disposal Issues and Examples a. Directors’ Packets.    b. E-mails and Files on a Computer  c. Files and Other Paper Documents. Paying Deposits to Heirs Based on Small-Estate Affidavits

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