Saturday, August 31, 2024

Homepage News

Debit, credit cards still king among payment methods

Debit and credit card transactions continue to lead the way in payments transactions over digital payments alternatives, according to recent research published by J.D. Power. Across all age groups of U.S. consumers in the last three months, 32% turned to their debit card most frequently to pay and 28% used their credit card. Trailing behind cards were ATM withdrawals (12%), …

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CFPB to target credit card fees

CFPB Director Rohit Chopra earlier this week announced an advance notice of proposed rulemaking focusing on credit card late fees. The ANPR reopens a rule that the Federal Reserve Board enacted in 2010 that provides banks with a safe harbor on the amount they can charge when a cardholder pays late and which provided for annual adjustments based on inflation.  …

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Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers

The OBA’s Annual Washington Visit has been scheduled for Sept. 26-28 and the hotel will be the Waldorf Astoria. Besides all the usual – and incredibly useful – meetings with the movers and shakers on Capitol Hill, we will host an “OBA Sports Night” at Walters Sports Bar on the Monday night of the visit, allowing everyone to decompress, enjoy …

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Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame taking nominations for 2022 inductees

The OBA will be taking nominations for 2022 Oklahoma Bankers Hall of Fame inductees through the middle of July. The Hall of Fame was created by the OBA Board of Directors to honor individual bankers for their contributions to the banking industry and the State of Oklahoma. In addition, the Hall of Fame is intended to recognize bankers’ achievements on …

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OBA brings back salary compensation survey

The OBA is partnering with Blanchard Consulting Group to offer the 2022 Salary and Cash Compensation Survey, with specific reporting on Oklahoma banks. This survey focuses on gathering salary and cash compensation (salary plus annual cash incentive/bonus) data for approximately 25 executive positions and over 150 middle management and staff level positions. This data can be used by human resource …

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Oklahoma to become title-holding state

Effective July 1, 2022, Oklahoma will become a title-holding state. The Oklahoma Tax Commission late Tuesday sent us the below “MEMO” with information. PLEASE make sure you read this entire Banker Direct as there is a lot of information to digest. Also, make sure all the appropriate people in your bank receive this email. There are several dates listed below …

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FDIC: Banking environment improved last year

The FDIC released its annual risk review late last week, and pointed out the banking environment improved in 2021 as the economy recovered from a period of economic hardship the year prior. The agency noted financial market conditions “were generally supportive of the economy and banking industry” throughout 2021, though they began to deteriorate with the onset of the Russian …

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Check out our 2022 OBA Convention opening video!

Did you miss our 2022 OBA Convention last week? Well, if so, we missed YOU! We had a grand time celebrating that decade of decadence, the 1980s – or, as we coined it, the OB80s! Here’s a little sneak peek at some of the fun we had — our convention opening video. Look closely, and you’ll see the video features: …

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Fed: Banking system remains strong

The banking system remained strong overall, with robust capital and liquidity and improved asset quality in the second half of 2021, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest supervision and regulation report released in early May. The Fed said that risk monitoring will continue for potential effects of the pandemic and new geopolitical risks, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The banking …

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