In a letter to the speaker of the House of Representatives and the minority leader in the House, the Oklahoma Bankers Association joined the other state bankers associations urging for swift passage of the community bank regulatory relief bill, S. 2155. “We thought it was important to make certain House leadership on both sides of the aisle be aware of …
Read More »Oklahoma Banker
Executive News: SO close – but still long way to go
As this issue of the Oklahoma Banker goes to press, the U.S. Senate is working through periodic floor statements relating to S. 2155. So far there are some 57 amendments that have been filed, and that does not include the Manager’s Amendment. The way the Senate works, the first hurdle was to get past a filibuster (60 votes required). The …
Read More »Oklahoma banks set record for earnings in 2017
Congratulations Oklahoma bankers – collectively you set yet another industry earnings record in 2017! “We’ve been pointing out all year that the industry was on track to set another earnings record (in 2017),” OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage said. “Even though total industry earnings for all banks ($25.5 billion) were off by some $17.7 billion (41 percent) over last …
Read More »Clear communication
By Jeremy Cowen Vice President/Communications Editor A quick visit to “” or punching in “Oklahoma Bankers” in the iTunes or Google Play app stores will instantly let you know “what’s new?” with OBA communications. Your Oklahoma Bankers Association communications department has been hard at work keeping the Association at the forefront of communications technology by unveiling a completely redesigned …
Read More »Executive News: Enough with excuses – it’s time to move!
Sen. Mitch McConnell is the Senate majority leader. He alone controls the agenda for the U.S. Senate. He alone is the “speed bump” between actually moving forward with consideration of S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, or continuing to let it languish until there is no more time left on the Senate calendar for action. …
Read More »Health care improvement plan in works?
What do Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos and Jamie Dimon have in common, other that being brilliant, worth billions and highly successful in each of their respective professional roles? As this issue of the Oklahoma Banker goes to press, it has been announced that the companies these three men represent (Berkshire-Hathaway, Amazon and JPMorgan Chase respectively) are joining together to start …
Read More »ICBA, ABA join to urge swift action on regulatory bill
On Jan. 29, the Independent Community Bankers of America and the American Bankers Association signed a joint letter asking the two Senate leaders – Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), the majority and minority Senate leaders respectively – to put S. 2155 (the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act) on the Senate’s agenda soon. The ICBA …
Read More »Tax reform bill passed, signed by president
On Friday, Dec. 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law H.R. 1, which became Public Law No: 115-97. “The process was a bit confusing, to say the least,” OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage said. “The bill had to be structured in such a way that it would fit into the ‘reconciliation’ process in the Senate and still be acceptable …
Read More »Tomorrow’s leaders … today
By Jeremy Cowen Vice President/Communications Bankers know a lot about investing. Therefore, it should be of little surprise Oklahoma bankers continue to invest in the future of their own industry. The Oklahoma Bankers Association’s popular Summer Intern Program will again be active in 2018 and is expecting a number of prospective interns from the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State …
Read More »Banking Committee approves reg relief bill
On Dec. 5, after enduring a seven-hour process of rejecting some 37 amendments proposed by Democrat members of the Senate Banking Committee, the Committee voted to advance S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, to the full Senate for consideration. It was a strong bipartisan vote: 16-7, including four of the 11 Democrats on the Committee. …
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