
Week of Dec. 12

In This Issue… • Let our senators know to support reg relief bill • House Financial Services Committee mark-up today • California wildfires continue to rage; CBA asks for help • OBA education corner …

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Senate Banking Committee approves reg relief package – S. 2155

U.S. Capitol

Late Tuesday (Dec. 5) afternoon, the Senate Banking Committee voted to advance S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act to the full Senate for consideration. It was a strong bipartisan vote: 16-7, including four of the 11 Democrats on the Committee.  “This is the first regulatory relief effort to make it out of Committee since Dodd-Frank was enacted in …

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Credit Union Sues President Trump Over Mulvaney Appointment

Gavel and Flag

 In case you missed it, Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union filed suit against the President and Acting CFPB Director, Michael Mulvaney, alleging that Mulvaney’s appointment violates the constitution. The credit union has $55 million in total assets. It’s CEO alleges that Deputy Director Leandra English is the proper and only lawful Acting Director of this massive regulatory agency that is not …

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Mulvaney Begins Process to Reign in Consumer Bureau

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau logo

 As you know by now, there’s good news for community bankers at the CFPB:  In addition to the fact that Richard Cordray is no longer the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (he has just announced his long-anticipated candidacy for Governor of Ohio), it seems pretty clear that the President’s selection of Mick Mulvaney as Acting Director is going …

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Hoenig On Board With Reg Relief Package; Suggests Tweaks

FDIC Building

 Statement of Tom Hoenig, FDIC Vice Chairman on the action by the Senate Banking Committee moving S. 2155 to the full Senate. I am pleased that the Senate Banking Committee has advanced the regulatory relief debate with approval of S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act. The underlying goal of the legislation is one I have long advocated: easing …

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Week of Dec. 4

In This Issue… • Greetings from Guy • Powell’s nomination recommended to the full Senate • Poll: Majority of voters support taxing credit unions • Just in: The Senate Banking Committee just voted to advance S. 2155 to the full Senate • Senate votes to approve major tax reform • OBA soliciting CD bids • OBA education corner …

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Banking Committee approves reg relief bill

On Dec. 5, after enduring a seven-hour process of rejecting some 37 amendments proposed by Democrat members of the Senate Banking Committee, the Committee voted to advance S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, to the full Senate for consideration. It was a strong bipartisan vote: 16-7, including four of the 11 Democrats on the Committee. …

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Answering questions about OBA membership

By Megan McGuire OBA Member Relations A commonly asked question at the OBA is: Am I a member? Every employee of an OBA member bank is a member of the OBA. Furthermore, every employee of an OBA strategic member is a strategic member of the OBA. The Oklahoma Bankers Association would like for all its members to make the most …

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Oklahoma banks continue trajectory for another earnings record

Bank Earnings Chart 2017

Oklahoma banks continue their collective journey to another record-earnings year, according to the FDIC’s release of the Quarterly Banking Profile on Monday. “Needless to say, this is great news for the industry,” OBA President and CEO Roger Beverage said. “The previous record was set in 2015, at $1.024 billion. At the end of September, the year-to-date net income for the industry …

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Week of Nov. 27

In This Issue… • Greetings from Guy • GRC reviews bills introduced in Second Session • OBA supports FASB proposal to address reporting implications of tax reform • Congress approves government funding bill through Feb. 8 • OBA Bankers’ Night Out programs ready for spring • Register for OBA 2018 Contact Banker Program • OBA education corner …

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