Fraud Alerts

August 2021

  • August 26, 2021

    Resources, tools, info on latest frauds affecting Oklahoma

    Our federal law enforcement partners have been working overtime to try to help banks stay ahead of the challenges encountered with both cyber-criminals and bad actors that impact bank ATMs in multiple ways. Law enforcement partners and our statewide MAFIA groups have shared multiple resources and tools, which we are including in this Fraud Alert. Let’s get started! •         • …

August 2020

  • August 11, 2020

    Additional information on SBA loan frauds

    Oklahoma banks are still working hard to detect fraud in EIDL SBA loans, and to get those funds returned to our government. John Bernardo, with the FBI, reached out to his contacts and was able to get us contact with Roger Pak, a special agent with the SBA. Both have provided questions that will be helpful in making a fraud …

  • August 4, 2020

    SBA loan fraud surging throughout state

    All of our Oklahoma banks have been doing a great job of detecting and returning ACH funds received on COVID-19-related unemployment scams. This has not abated, but just hits different states in waves. Arizona, Nevada and Illinois have been among the many states hit the hardest right now. OBA has sent out keyword lists to help watch for these items …

June 2020

  • June 16, 2020

    Free FBI training coming up; more info on unemployment scams

    This alert has two distinct and separate topics. Please read both and understand the first is an invitation for training on Thursday, and requires you sign up beforehand. Typically, you have to be an Infragard member to attend these meetings, but FBI has extended an offer to our bankers to attend this one without being a member. If afterward you …

May 2020

  • May 21, 2020

    Further information on unemployment scams …

    We have received the following information on surging unemployment scams from the Secret Service. The OBA is attempting to build a list of banks that have returned these and it may simply be all our banks. If you have been dealing with this and you have not already notified us, we are asking that you send an email titled “UI …

  • May 14, 2020

    Information on fraudulent unemployment claims

    Unemployment fraud is surging in many forms, as reported by bankers statewide. It is critical each bank know of and respond to each version as it hits. Toward that end, OBA will try to keep you apprised as we learn of new issues as each is time sensitive. The first such scenario defines an issue facing the State of Washington, …

August 2019

  • August 28, 2019

    Bank ATMs face heightened targeting

    In the last two days, we have had 11 Oklahoma bank ATMs experience significant losses due to heightened ATM skimming activities. The cards utilized were not bank customer cards, but cards drawn on another bank. The targeted ATMs were not all chip compliant, which could impact insurance coverage. On a previous similar claim, there was no coverage when a bank …

August 2018

  • August 13, 2018

    FBI warns of fraud affecting banks

    The following was sent out late last week by the FBI and we felt it important to make sure our bankers receive it: Hello Banking Sector InfraGard Members, Please see the attached Private Industry Notification (PIN) 20180809-001 TLP:AMBER, “Unlimited Operation” Schemes Pose an Immediate Threat to Financial Institutions. PIN 20180809-001 is being distributed to inform partners of an immediate threat …

March 2018

  • March 8, 2018

    OBA offering free fraud programs across state

    Once again, OBA is partnering with the Oklahoma Insurance Department, attorney general’s office and Oklahoma Securities Department to offer one of the best fraud programs available anywhere. You are encouraged to offer this free opportunity to your customers. More information, including dates and locations of the programs, can can be accessed through the Oklahoma Insurance Department website by clicking here. …

February 2017