Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Fraud Alerts

August 2019

  • August 28, 2019

    Bank ATMs face heightened targeting

    In the last two days, we have had 11 Oklahoma bank ATMs experience significant losses due to heightened ATM skimming activities. The cards utilized were not bank customer cards, but cards drawn on another bank. The targeted ATMs were not all chip compliant, which could impact insurance coverage. On a previous similar claim, there was no coverage when a bank …

August 2018

  • August 13, 2018

    FBI warns of fraud affecting banks

    The following was sent out late last week by the FBI and we felt it important to make sure our bankers receive it: Hello Banking Sector InfraGard Members, Please see the attached Private Industry Notification (PIN) 20180809-001 TLP:AMBER, “Unlimited Operation” Schemes Pose an Immediate Threat to Financial Institutions. PIN 20180809-001 is being distributed to inform partners of an immediate threat …

March 2018

  • March 8, 2018

    OBA offering free fraud programs across state

    Once again, OBA is partnering with the Oklahoma Insurance Department, attorney general’s office and Oklahoma Securities Department to offer one of the best fraud programs available anywhere. You are encouraged to offer this free opportunity to your customers. More information, including dates and locations of the programs, can can be accessed through the Oklahoma Insurance Department website by clicking here. …

February 2017

November 2014

  • November 25, 2014

    Revisiting continuing cyber threat

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we want to once again warn that wire fraud and attempted wire fraud continue at a steady, non-relenting pace. As you know, we try to limit our Fraud Alerts to those times when it is essential, but the recent level of reports has demanded our attention.

July 2014

  • July 9, 2014

    Disruption of service attack possibility

    There has been information that a DOS (disruption of service) attack could be initiated toward American corporations, including banks, on July 10.

August 2013

  • August 7, 2013

    Fighting cybercrime

    A recent OBA Update contained an article regarding the formation of an Information Security MAFIA networking group. As our Fraud Alerts are targeted to a large number of those who may want to participate, we decided to recap the information so that we include all those who want to take advantage of what promises to be a wonderful opportunity to help to keep our …

May 2013

  • May 3, 2013

    Cyber-fraud round up

    The FBI has recently begun issuing cyber alerts to keep our bankers apprised of potential cyber threats, including DDOS attacks. Our last OBA Fraud Alert was one and you will notice most are technical in nature and, ultimately, belong in the hands of those in charge of your network security. Be assured we (and the FBI) are also including outside service providers …

April 2013

  • April 25, 2013

    Info on DDoS attacks

    The FBI released a FBI Liaison Alert System (FLASH) Message today, containing information on recent DDoS attacks. The contents of the FLASH Message is listed below: SUMMARY (U) Since September 2012, US financial institutions have been under coordinated and timed DDoS attacks. In total, 50 U.S. financial institutions have been targeted in over 200 separate DDoS attacks with varying effects. …

February 2013

  • February 28, 2013

    Wire fraud reprise

    To draw your attention to our Fraud Alerts when they are critical, we only send them when an issue is of a critical nature. We also have never repeated alerts. However, the level of wire fraud attempted and completed has risen to a level that now requires some repetition. Look at the July 7, 2012 Alert on wire/ACH fraud and, again, revisit your policies and …