Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Emerging Leaders

The OBA’s Emerging Leaders program was created with the goal of engaging the next generation of banking leaders in the process of dealing with issues facing their industry through their participation in the OBA. This program will help develop these future leaders so they remain committed, loyal and actively involved in matters that affect their banks and, most importantly, their ability to serve their customers.

Emerging Leaders offers its members:

  • Luncheons to talk about key issues, hot topics and other matters.
  • Social and networking opportunities for young professionals.
  • Advocacy involvement and meeting with key government officials.
  • Newsletters.
  • Discounted registration at OBA events and the Annual Washington Visit.
  • And much more!

No membership dues are required to join the Emerging Leaders program. The only requirement is to be an employee of an OBA-member bank. The 2024-25 Emerging Leaders Academy class is currently accepting applications. Click here to access the application. The application deadline is Sept. 16, 2024. Questions? Contact Megan at the OBA (megan@oba.com or 405-424-5252).

A Deeper Dive: Emerging Leaders Academy

The OBA is searching for the elite Emerging Leaders in Oklahoma – the next nucleus of banking leaders in our state. We’re looking for the best and brightest bankers who seek to sharpen their leadership skills.

The Emerging Leaders Academy is designed to help these select individuals reach new heights with powerful speakers offering information leaders need to effectively maneuver in today’s business climate.

The Academy includes six one-day sessions centered on developing leadership and management skills by using creative instruction techniques and active participation. Each session focuses on developing necessary management and leadership skills that can be implemented immediately. Academy applicants should be able to demonstrate an increasing level of responsibility, potential for continuing to play a leadership role in Oklahoma banking and a desire to further their careers and grow professionally. Perhaps someone in your bank is a natural leader who could benefit from this experience.

The OBA extends an invitation to any employee of a bank that is a member of the OBA to apply. A panel of bankers will review the applicants and choose those accepted into the Academy (maximum 30 bankers). Participants must attend all sessions to successfully graduate from the program.

The 2024-25 Emerging Leaders Academy class is currently accepting applications. Click here to access the application. The application deadline is Sept. 16, 2024. Questions? Contact Megan at the OBA (megan@oba.com or 405-424-5252).