Thursday, March 13, 2025

Jump$tart Your Money Week

Getting involved:

Oklahoma banks work closely with dozens of other organizations that share a common goal: to provide Oklahomans with the tools necessary to make smart, responsible financial decisions for themselves and their families.

Jump$tart Your Money Week is a statewide, coordinated effort of the Oklahoma Jump$tart Coalition and its members to raise awareness of financial education issues in Oklahoma.  JYM Week provides an opportunity for local community organizations, government agencies, financial institutions, schools, universities, corporations and others concerned with the financial education skills of Oklahomans to plan and cooperatively market a wide range of educational events.

Jump$tart Your Money Week works to achieve the following goals:

  • Raise awareness among consumers, policymakers, employers, educators and social service organizations of the importance of financial education to individuals and to Oklahoma,
  • Provide consumers with a range of high quality, targeted financial education events,
  • Demonstrate to organizations the range of financial education activities they can implement to further their specific objectives.