Tuesday, March 25, 2025

OBA Committees

Why should I get involved?

Because your involvement is vital to your job and to your industry. There’s no better way to further your career or to serve your profession than to become involved with one of the OBA’s committees. Everything we do is intended to make you a better banker.

What do these committees and boards do, and what’s in it for me if I sign up?

Our committees and boards evaluate the political, regulatory, economic and educational needs of the banking industry. They develop recommendations to the Board of Directors, including positions on legislative and regulatory issues, as well as services and programs intended to meet banker needs. By participating with the group 3-4 times a year, you learn more about your profession, meet other bankers, share ideas and become better at what you do.

What do I do?

It’s easy. Download and print the form using the link below. Look over the list of choices, determine where your interests lie, and mark your first, second and third choices. If you’re not a senior management officer in your bank, make sure you have one of them sign this form so we know you have your bank’s support and that you’ll be able to participate in a few meetings during the year. Then, just send the form back to our office.

Am I guaranteed the committee I want?

Not guaranteed because the number of vacancies to be filled is limited. But we will do everything possible to match your interests and desire with an appropriate board or committee. The reason we want your participation and why it helps you personally is this: The strength of your profession – and the chances for your advancement – depend on the involvement and commitment of bankers across Oklahoma working together to make the industry better.

It’s your Association. Make sure you get the most out of it!

Committee Interest Form 2025-2026

OBA Boards & Committees