Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Government Relations

The Oklahoma Bankers Association's primary role is to represent the interests of its member banks on public policy matters. This section aims not only to keep you informed about legislative matters affecting your bank, but to encourage greater banker involvement in the Association's political action efforts.

The Latest

Participate in our Regulatory Feedback Initiative!

The Oklahoma Bankers Association’s primary role is to represent the interests of its member banks on public policy matters. This section aims not only to keep you informed about legislative matters affecting your bank, but to encourage greater banker involvement in the Association’s political action efforts.

The Regulatory Feedback Initiative gives bankers a chance to comment anonymously about the bank’s examination process. If you have had an exam in the last year and haven’t completed a “Post Exam Survey” please direct your staff to click here. We need to know what happened – the good AND the bad. And then let your staff know this is something they should do after every completed exam.

Post Exam Survey

OBA updates Oklahoma banking economic impact brochure

The OBA communications department recently updated its “Economic Impact Brochure” that breaks out how much Oklahoma-chartered banks mean to the economy of the state.

The brochure, first created by the OBA communications department in 2013, was one of the first of its kind by a state or national bankers association, and has been used in OBA visits with government officials and media to help illustrate the positives of banking in our state. The brochure has also served as a talking-points piece for bank customers to demonstrate in numbers what banks do, how they do it and how important the banking industry is to Oklahoma.

Click here to download the brochure, or contact the OBA for a hard copy. If you have any questions about this brochure, or its use, feel free to contact Jeremy Cowen in the OBA communications department.

Adrian Beverage, President & CEO

Email: adrian@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 119

Adrian Beverage is an Oklahoma native. He joined the OBA in 2000. He graduated in 1999 from Southeastern Oklahoma State University with a bachelor's degree in communications and political science where he once coached men's basketball. He became the OBA's president and CEO in 2021.

Megan McGuire, Vice President/Member & Government Relations

Email: megan@oba.com      |      Phone: Ext. 109

Megan joined the OBA in May 2015. A native of Ardmore, she graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2008. Prior to joining the OBA, Megan worked as an event planner in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors. Outside of work, she enjoys running, cooking, traveling and OSU sporting events. Megan has spent at least one day in each of the 48 continental states and plans to add Alaska and Hawaii to her list in the near future.