Notice of title protection document Responsible conduct Exam workpapers – Reg Z (Amended) Ability to repay rules hot off the press If your bank issues reloadable prepaid debit cards … Treasury still issues some paper checks When federal ACH payment names don’t match up What bankers wish customers knew
July 2013
June 2013
June 27, 2013
State Chamber of Oklahoma
A private, membership-based advocacy organization, the State Chamber speaks for thousands of members representing hundreds of thousands of employees across the state. Our numbers give us the strength to effectively shape policy and achieve legislative success. Together with our members and partners, we have been able to secure Oklahoma’s position as one of the most business-friendly states in the nation. …
June 10, 2013
June 2013 Legal Briefs
Garnishment of Federal benefits rule revisions Consumer loan dollar amounts adjust July 1 The first California/Achieve financial settlement Breach of contract Final(?) ability to repay and qualified mortgage rules
May 2013
May 20, 2013
May 2013 Legal Briefs
Interagency statement on Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance CFPB ability to repay – QM clarification proposal Some tweaks for HDMA getting it right Escrow rule: What we should have said is … CARD Act rule revised NAME IT: A guide to formulating a formidable name for your bank Oklahoma’s Article 9 remains unchanged Oklahoma tax on IRA part 2:
May 3, 2013
Cyber-fraud round up
The FBI has recently begun issuing cyber alerts to keep our bankers apprised of potential cyber threats, including DDOS attacks. Our last OBA Fraud Alert was one and you will notice most are technical in nature and, ultimately, belong in the hands of those in charge of your network security. Be assured we (and the FBI) are also including outside service providers …
April 2013
April 28, 2013
April 2013 Legal Briefs
Traps for the Unwary FFIEC Social Media Guidance – Proposed A World of Two Names Extended Escrows Under Reg Z
April 25, 2013
Info on DDoS attacks
The FBI released a FBI Liaison Alert System (FLASH) Message today, containing information on recent DDoS attacks. The contents of the FLASH Message is listed below: SUMMARY (U) Since September 2012, US financial institutions have been under coordinated and timed DDoS attacks. In total, 50 U.S. financial institutions have been targeted in over 200 separate DDoS attacks with varying effects. …
March 2013
March 11, 2013
March 2013 Legal Briefs
ATR and QM Refinancing existing loans Safe harbors QM product features
February 2013
February 28, 2013
Wire fraud reprise
To draw your attention to our Fraud Alerts when they are critical, we only send them when an issue is of a critical nature. We also have never repeated alerts. However, the level of wire fraud attempted and completed has risen to a level that now requires some repetition. Look at the July 7, 2012 Alert on wire/ACH fraud and, again, revisit your policies and …
February 8, 2013
February 2013 Legal Briefs
The new mortgage servicing rules New appraisal rules Lending to the military – the CFPB’s new role