Sunday, September 1, 2024

March 2008

  • March 1, 2008

    March 2008 Legal Briefs

    Understanding Representative Payee Accounts When is a Representative Payee Appointed? Correct Account Styling Guardian/Rep Payee Successor Trustee/Rep Payee POA/Rep Payee Only a Rep Payee Only an Authorized Signer Joint Accounts Organizational Rep Payees Rep Payees for Children

February 2008

  • February 1, 2008

    February 2008 Legal Briefs

    Replacing a Cashier’s Check Based on Declaration of Loss Basis for Charging “Unauthorized” Items to Customer’s Account Other Ways a Forged Signature is Not a Forgery

January 2008

  • January 1, 2008

    January 2008 Legal Briefs

    Duties of Card Issuers Regarding Address Discrepancies Verifying Social Security Numbers Permitted Number of Transactions on Savings & MMDAs

December 2007

  • December 1, 2007

    December 2007 Legal Briefs

    Discussion of Identity Theft Red Flags Developing Responses to Red Flags Suspicious Activity Reports & Privacy Exceptions Example of SAR Filing       Credit Report Alerts & Notices Suspicious Documents Suspicious Personal Identifying Information Unusual Use/Suspicious Activity on Account Notice of Identity Theft

November 2007

October 2007

September 2007

August 2007

  • August 1, 2007

    August 2007 Legal Briefs

    Background on Subprime Mortgages Interagency Guidance on Subprime Mortgages Statement’s Coverage What is “Subprime”? Substantial Risk Factors Balloon Payments? Consumer Protection Principles Underwriting Standards Control Systems 

July 2007

  • July 1, 2007

    July 2007 Legal Briefs

    Consumer Loan Dollar Amounts Adjust on July 1 Changes to Identity Theft Provisions All ATV’s Transferred After June 30, 2008 Require Titles & Liens How to Re-title a Mobile Home Merged Into the Real Estate Commissioner’s Bill Includes Several Miscellaneous Changes

June 2007

  • June 1, 2007

    June 2007 Legal Briefs

    Changes to Oklahoma’s Vulnerable Adult Abuse Reporting Provisions Financial Neglect; Exploitation Specific Duty to Report Avoiding Singling out Banks  Expanded DHS Powers Illegal Immigration: How H.B. 1804 Affects Banks, Other Businesses Citizenship/Immigrant Verification Independent Contractor Verification “Harboring” Illegal Immigrants Restriction on Issuing ID’s Other Provisions Economic Costs