During the last week of the state legislative session, both the House and Senate passed HB 1031, which became law earlier this month. HB 1031 creates the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program. The purpose of the program is to increase the number of single-family residences available for purchase across the State of Oklahoma for families with incomes up to $120% of …
June 2023
June 16, 2023
FDIC updates guidance on multiple re-presentment NSF fees
The FDIC has updated its Supervisory Guidance on Multiple Re-Presentment NSF Fees to clarify its supervisory approach for action when a law is violated. Since the issuance of the Supervisory Guidance on Multiple Re-Presentment NSF Fees, steps financial institutions have taken to remediate consumer harm associated with re-presentment fees have provided the FDIC with additional data about the amount of …
June 14, 2023
PCBB believes in the power of local financial institutions to be the catalyst of small business growth and to enable communities to thrive. Our team is committed to providing not only the tools and knowledge our customers need to serve their clients, but also the partnership and trust they deserve. Our robust suite of competitive services includes cash management and …
June 14, 2023
June 2023 OBA Legal Briefs
Appraisal Bias, ECOA, FHA and USPAP Changes in UCCC amounts effective 7/1/23 Appraisal Bias, ECOA, FHA and USPAP By Andy Zavoina Appraisal bias is a new big thing. Well, not brand new. It has been a problem for a few years and the current thrust is to promote an understanding of the rules and the results when an appraisal is …
June 13, 2023
Week of June 12
In This Issue… ‘Durbin 2.0’ rears head again in Congress Oklahoma Housing Stability Program bill passes Fake fraud warnings most common banking text scam OBA co-hosts fraud prevention conference 2024 Oklahoma Views & Vistas Calendar available for early-bird orders OBA education corner … ‘Durbin 2.0’ rears head again in Congress The Credit Card Competition Act has returned to Congress. This …
June 12, 2023
Executive News: No bow tied on 2023 legislative session yet
We have finally reached June and you know what that means: The Oklahoma legislature has gone home and we can all enjoy the summer. Unfortuna tely, it isn’t the case this year. The regular session did adjourn on May 26, but the special session has yet to adjourn. Early in May, the legislature started a special session to run concurrently …
June 12, 2023
Agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratios
Federal bank regulatory agencies issued last month the host state loan-to-deposit ratios that are used to evaluate compliance with section 109 of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994. These ratios replace those from June 2022. Oklahoma moved to 76% in the ratios released. Other neighboring states were as follows: Arkansas — 72%. Colorado — 65%. Kansas …
June 6, 2023
Week of June 5
In This Issue… White House eyeing ‘appraisal bias’ in real estate valuations ABA seeks nominations for 2023 Emerging Leaders Awards 2023 OBA Directory of Banks available for purchase Welcome, new strategic members OBA education corner … White House eyeing ‘appraisal bias’ in real estate valuations Six federal regulatory agencies last week requested public comment on a proposed rule to regulate …
June 5, 2023
Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers
The OBA’s Annual Washington Visit has been scheduled for Sept. 24-26 and the hotel will be The Mayflower Hotel. We challenge you to join the “Race to 100.” We’re striving for 100 bankers in D.C. for the 2023 OBA Washington Visit. We are still finalizing the exact times but know we will meet with the following: ABA, Federal Reserve, FinCEN, …
May 2023
May 30, 2023
Week of May 29
In This Issue… Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers OBA co-hosting fraud prevention conference OCC revises bank enforcement manual, details actions for banks with ‘persistent weaknesses’ OBA education corner … Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers The OBA’s Annual Washington Visit has been scheduled for Sept. 24-26 and the hotel will be The Mayflower Hotel. We challenge you …