Saturday, July 27, 2024

August 2022

  • August 9, 2022

    Jim Hamby

  • August 9, 2022

    Week of Aug. 8

    In This Issue… OBA partners with ABA, CUNA, other state bankers associations to oppose credit card routing mandates Oklahoma delegation meetings set for 2022 Washington Visit OBA annual golf tournament scheduled for October Mullin/Shannon Senate debate available to view Views & Vistas Calendar, updated reference books available for order OBA education corner … OBA partners with ABA, CUNA, other state …

  • August 9, 2022

    Hall of Fame Nominees Information

    Click on each link to download: Sinclair Armstrong nomination form & letter biographical sketch letters of recommendation photo Shirley Barber nomination form & letter biographical sketch letters of recommendation additional info photo Robert H. Croak nomination form & letter biographical sketch letters of recommendation photo James Hamby nomination form & letter biographical sketch letters of recommendation photo Lowell L. “Red” …

  • August 2, 2022

    Week of Aug. 1

    In This Issue… Agencies look to update statement on CRE loan accommodations, workouts State Banking Department discusses FDIC’s Skip-A-Payment program position Banks could face headache in reverse repo area OBA Emerging Leaders Academy now accepting applications OBA education corner … Agencies look to update statement on CRE loan accommodations, workouts The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, FDIC and …

  • August 1, 2022

    July 2022 OBA Legal Briefs

    What’s new with Reg B? – A Lot! Electronic liens What’s new with Reg B? – A lot! by Andy Zavoina In a world where Reg B has essentially been around since 1974 when Congress passed the Equal Credit Opportunity, after all these years there can’t be much new to it – right? WRONG! While it has not changed recently, …

July 2022

  • July 29, 2022

    IBM Security: Data breaches expensive for financial institutions

    IBM Security commissioned a 12-month study of 550 organizations across multiple sectors as part of an annual report on data breaches, and the results were released earlier this week. The cost of dealing with a data breach for financial institutions rose by $250,000 compared to a similar study conducted in 2020-2021. IBM defined financial services as banks, insurance and investment …

  • July 26, 2022

    Week of July 25

    In This Issue… FDIC updates Enforcement Actions Manual on cease-and-desist, consent orders Banks overdraft/NSF fee revenues increase, according to CFPB Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers OBA education corner … FDIC updates Enforcement Actions Manual on cease-and-desist, consent orders The FDIC has updated chapters one and four of its Formal and Informal Enforcement Actions Manual, entitled Overview and Administrative …

  • July 25, 2022

    Financial Stability Board releases progress report on climate-related financial risk

    Pen and paper

    The Financial Stability Board earlier this month issued a progress report on its work to implement its roadmap for addressing climate-related financial risk. Specifically, the report noted that significant progress has been made toward establishing global baseline climate reporting standards, with the newly established International Sustainability Standards Board issuing exposure drafts addressing climate and general sustainability-related disclosure statements. Click here …

  • July 19, 2022

    Week of July 18

    In This Issue… OBA Emerging Leaders Academy now accepting applications Annual Washington Visit set for Oklahoma bankers OBA education corner … OBA Emerging Leaders Academy now accepting applications Take note the OBA 2022-23 Emerging Leaders Academy is currently accepting applications. We’re looking for the best and brightest bankers who seek to sharpen their leadership skills. The Academy will help you reach new …

  • July 13, 2022

    ABA survey: Three trends driving change in bank marketing

    A recent American Bankers Association survey of bank marketing leaders reveals several important organizational shifts are underway within bank marketing departments. First, it’s clear that banking is following in the footsteps of other industries in terms of broadening its marketing focus from its historical brand communications origins to also include data and technology-driven campaigns to drive revenue. And the role …