April 2022

  • April 10, 2022

    OBA board nominees selected for consideration by membership

    Pursuant to Article V, Section 5.4 of the By Laws of the OBA, notice is hereby given of the slate of nominees that have been selected by each of Board’s nominating committees to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors. The slate of nominees will be considered by the membership on May 19 at the annual meeting and …

  • April 8, 2022

    Time to relive 1980s with OB80s!

    Registration is now open for 2022 OBA Convention! Do you have jams and day-glo shirts in your closet? Do you long for the days of playing Space Invaders and Pac-Man at the local arcade? Are Simple Minds and Thompson Twins blaring out of your car speakers? Is watching Jake Ryan surprise Samantha in front of the church your idea of feel-good movie watching? If any of the answers to the …

  • April 6, 2022

    Select your Emerging Leaders chair

    The OBA has heard from bankers interested in serving as chair of the Emerging Leaders Division. This position is open to any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or had previously graduated from an OBA Leadership Academy. The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work closely with OBA staff to …

  • April 6, 2022

    Select your Emerging Leaders chair

    The OBA has heard from bankers interested in serving as chair of the Emerging Leaders Division. This position is open to any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or had previously graduated from an OBA Leadership Academy. The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and will work closely with OBA staff to …

  • April 5, 2022

    Week of April 4

    In This Issue… Select your Emerging Leaders chair OCC publishes interest rate risk statistics OBA education corner … Select your Emerging Leaders chair The OBA has heard from bankers interested in serving as chair of the Emerging Leaders Division. This position is open to any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or had previously …

  • April 3, 2022

    March 2022 OBA Legal Briefs

    The Beneficial Ownership Rule hasn’t gone away UDA(A)P is becoming all the rage! The Beneficial Ownership Rule hasn’t gone away By John S. Burnett The Corporate Transparency Act of 2021 (CTA) was enacted by Congress on January 1, 2021, as Title XIV of the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for 2021, Public Law 116-283. It added a new …

March 2022

  • March 30, 2022

    FDIC seeks information on bank mergers

    The FDIC released a request for information last week, as it seeks input on bank merger transactions, particularly wanting comments regarding the application of the laws, practices, rules, regulations, guidance and statements of policy that apply to merger transactions involving one or more insured depository institutions, including the merger between an insured depository institution and a non-insured institution. The FDIC stated …

  • March 29, 2022

    Week of March 28

    In This Issue… OBA-led garnishments bill passes state senate committee FDIC seeks information on bank mergers Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders? Deadline to apply is this week! Bankers’ Night Out program start this week in Lawton, Krebs OBA education corner … OBA-led garnishments bill passes state senate committee The OBA-sponsored garnishments bill, HB 3541, passed out of the Oklahoma …

  • March 25, 2022

    Interested in leading our Emerging Leaders?

    The OBA is looking for bankers interested in serving as chairperson of the OBA Emerging Leaders Division. Any OBA Emerging Leaders who are currently enrolled in the OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or have previously graduated from an OBA Emerging Leaders Academy or OBA Leadership Academy are eligible for the position. The Emerging Leaders chair will serve a two-year term and …

  • March 25, 2022

    Make your nominations for OBA 50-year club

    Oklahoma Bankers Association Logo

    The OBA is proud to promote the recognition of bankers who have devoted 50 or more years of service to the banking industry. All eligible nominees will be honored at the 2022 OBA Convention on May 18-20 at the Omni in Oklahoma City. Click here to download a nomination form. If you have any questions, please contact Janis Reeser at 405-424-5252 …